NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology [Research Data]
This data set contains all annotated topic word tables from the work "NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology", as well as all pre-processed and tf-idf-vectorized text... -
TXM 0.7.7 for Windows 64-bit setup file TXM is a free and open-source (GPL v3) textual corpora analysis platform. It combines five key components: a) the ability to import and... -
Keyword Extractor
Tool for extracting key phrases for text, using TextRank algorithm. -
TweetsCOV19 - A Semantically Annotated Corpus of Tweets About the COVID-19 Pa...
TweetsCOV19 is a semantically annotated corpus of Tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a subset of TweetsKB and aims at capturing online discourse about various aspects of... -
TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets (Part 10, J...
TweetsKB is a public RDF corpus of anonymized data for a large collection of annotated tweets. The dataset currently contains data for nearly 3.0 billion tweets, spanning more... -
TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets (Part 11, J...
TweetsKB is a public RDF corpus of anonymized data for a large collection of annotated tweets. The dataset currently contains data for nearly 3.0 billion tweets, spanning more... -
TweetsKB: A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets (Part 12, S...
TweetsKB is a public RDF corpus of anonymized data for a large collection of annotated tweets. The dataset currently contains data for more than 3.1 billion tweets, spanning... -
EviDENce. How Eyewitesses report on war and violence
EviDENce - Egodocuments Event Modelling - is een digital humanities project waarin werd gewerkt met gepubliceerde egodocumenten uit de DBNL (1559-2012) en met transcripten van... -
Communicating Strategically about What? Europe and China in the Kenyan Media
European actors are increasingly relying on strategic communication tools in their external relations, especially in key partner countries like Kenya. Based on a large-scale... -
Research on motions as dealt with in Dutch Parliament 2009-2011
This dataset contains the data used in the following articles: - Popping, Roel (2013). "Coding issues in cognitive mapping of games." Open Journal of Political Science, 3 (1):... -
Friends and Foes: the instrumentalisation of Israel and Iran in the Maghreb
The research data described below was collected as part of the SWP study "Friends and Foes: the instrumentalisation of Israel and Iran in the Maghreb". The period of qualitative... -
NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology [Research Data]
This data set contains all annotated topic word tables from the work "NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology", as well as all pre-processed and tf-idf-vectorized text... -
Cross-corpora comparisons of topics and topic trends
Textual data gained relevance as a novel source of information for applied economic research. When considering longer periods or international comparisons, often different text...