NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology [Research Data]
This data set contains all annotated topic word tables from the work "NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology", as well as all pre-processed and tf-idf-vectorized text... -
WiKNN Text Classifier
WiKNN is an online text classifier service for Polish and English texts. It supports hierarchical labelled classification of user-submitted texts with Wikipedia categories.... -
Text classification model SloBERTa-Trendi-Topics 1.0
The SloBerta-Trendi-Topics model is a text classification model for categorizing news texts with one of 13 topic labels. It was trained on a set of approx. 36,000 Slovene texts... -
Text classification model fastText-Trendi-Topics 1.0
The fastText-Trendi-Topics model is a text classification model for categorizing news texts with one of 13 topic labels. It was trained on a set of approx. 36,000 Slovene texts... -
Multilingual text genre classification model X-GENRE
The X-GENRE classifier is a text classification model that can be used for automatic genre identification. The model classifies texts to one of 9 genre labels:... -
NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology [Research Data]
This data set contains all annotated topic word tables from the work "NLP in Diagnostic Texts from Nephropathology", as well as all pre-processed and tf-idf-vectorized text... -
Klassifikation von Tragödien und Komödien bei Calderón de la Barca
Datenpublikation zum Artikel "Klassifikation von Tragödien und Komödien bei Calderón de la Barca": Gesprochener Text von 64 Dramen Pedro Calderón de la Barcas,...