PNR Measurement of Spin Pumping in a Metal and an Organic Semiconductor
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Acid /amine complexation on an iron oxide /Oil interface
This experiment seeks to characterise the monolayer composition and structure of binary mixtures of fatty acid and amine. This represents a key additive system used commercially... -
Studies of off specular relfectivity in YBa2Cu3O7(YBCO) and La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (L...
The origin of magnetic exchange at the interface of complex magnetic oxides is becoming an important consideration when developing thin film devices. Recent technical... -
Spin-polarized electron states at the interface of EuO and 3d transition meta...
The objective of this experiment is the study and characterization of spin-polarized electron states at the interface of EuO and 3d transition metal oxides. EuO is a... -
Non fullerene organic photovoltics
Organic solar cells (OPVs) are photovoltaic devices that can convert the energy from sunlight into electricity and have attracted much attention as a viable green energy source... -
Investigation of interface magnetic structure of Gd/Co multilayer
Rare Earths (REs) - Transition Metals (TMs) multilayers have a great importance in modern magnetism because of their unique properties due to their 4f orbitals: perpendicular... -
A PNR study of cobalt nitride films for spin injection and spin engineering a...
We propose to study cobalt nitride films using PNR with a view to their use in spin injection & spin engineering applications. Such systems have had little attention in the... -
Investigation of ZnO termination effects in Fe3O4/ZnO heterostructures for al...
This proposal aims to investigate Fe3O4/ZnO and their suitability as spintronic devices. Specifically we aim to investigate the influence of the ZnO termination state on the... -
Understanding the magnetic phase diagram in capped MnSi thin films
Skyrmions are a topologically non-trivial magnetisation pattern that form in crystal structures whose broken inversion symmetry gives rise to the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya... -
Oxidation of bilayer of labelled DPPC by aqueous hydroxyl radical elucidati...
Oxidation of atmospheric aerosol can produce cloud condensation nuclei capable of changing the reflectivity and lifetime of clouds. The oxidation of organic film on atmospheric... -
The structure of glycerol mono oleate at the iron oxide/dodecane interface
The reliability of combustion engines is enhanced by lubrication, which provides wear protection along with reduced emissions and fuel consumption through the minimisation of... -
Study of the modified magnetization resulting from interfacial electronic rec...
Multiferroics are promising candidates for faster and cooler electronics. Due to the intrinsic incompatibility between the ferromagnetic (FM) and ferroelectric (FE) phases, it... -
Pd, Ni, V, Nb and Ti capping layer clamping effects in hydrogen cycling in Ca...
We ask for 8 days of beam time on CRISP to study the absorption and desorption of hydrogen and deuterium in Ti/Mg/Pd trilayer samples. Our specific objective is to understand in... -
Electrostatic Control of Protein Adsorption under Re-entrant Conditions
Protein adsorption is a process relevant in many research fields such as biology, medicine and food processing. Its mechanism is influenced by many parameters. Our group has... -
Probing the origin of the superconducting spin-valve effect
Inter-layer exchange coupling through charge and/or spin carriers is the key control mechanism for the field of nano-magnetism and is often coupled to other spintronic effects,... -
Neutron Reflectometry of Tethered Microphase Separated Block Copolymers
Neutron reflectometry will be used to probe the scattering length density profile in tethered films of block copolymers grafted onto silicon substrates. The tethered... -
Surface structures of polycations in confined geometries
A second-generation surface force style apparatus has been developed to probe the inter-surface and near-surface structures under compressive forces. Systems of current academic... -
Lipid exchange between polymer stabilised nanodiscs and biomimetic bilayers a...
Polymer-stabilised lipid nanodiscs are discoidal structures composed on a central core of lipid bilayer encapsulated and stabilised in aqueous solution by amphipathic... -
Structure of oxidised phospholipid bilayers
Biological membranes protect cells and are essential for their survival and damaged membranes may cause serious harm to the cell. A primary cause of damage to membranes is... -
Oxidation of a bilayer of DOPC by aqueous ozone - a chemical, kinetic and mec...
Mineral aerosol in the atmosphere is a major part of the Earths aerosol budget. Organic films on these aerosols affect the aerosols ability to promote cloud formation and...