Copy of: Understanding the structure-propagated compression and decompression...
Our previous PEARL experiment (RB1810619) on LTL zeolite with fluorinert as a pressure-transmitting fluid contradicts the data we collected using silicon oil as... -
The structure of methane water fluid mixtures at high pressure
We have recently discovered that above 2 GPa in the liquid/fluid forms water and methanebecome miscible in proportions up to 33 mole% of methane. This proposal is for time to... -
Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in the iron-based spin ladder Ba...
Iron-based superconductors (FeSCs) have been an essential research area in condensed matter physics. Spins of iron sites forming a long periodic configuration, called the... -
Pressure dependent magnetic structure characterization of the Q1D compound Na...
NaCr2O4 is a Q1D TMO that offers a rich range of properties from the view point of fundamental science as well as from the view point of applied science. Indeed on one hand... -
Exploring Multiferroic Couplings in Ca2MnO4
The Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) compounds An+1BnO3n+1 exhibit a broad range of technologically interesting properties such as high-Tc superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance,... -
Formation and Structural Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Molybdenum Hydride
There is significant renewed interest in the super-conductivity of hydrogen-rich materials ever since the reported superconductivity of H2S at 203 K . As a result there is... -
Forcing Sr2NiO2Cu2Se2 into the low spin regime under pressure
This is a proposal to drive the layered oxide chalcogenide Sr2NiO2Cu2Se2 from the high-spin state with long range magnetic order to the low-spin state, similar to that displayed... -
Pressure driven phase transitions in the magnetically frustrated layered mate...
Frustration occurs in materials where antiferromagnetic (spin up and spin down pairs) are incomparible with the underlying crystal morphology, for example where the connectivity... -
High Pressure Structure of Carbonic Acid
Recent published studies have identified a stable solid form of carbonic acid at high pressure. This proposal is for beamtime to collect the data to solve its crystal structure. -
Pressure Tuning of a Sodium Battery Material
The most important scientific problems to solve for the future is how to efficiently convert and store clean energy. To realize all-solid-state devices and high-performance... -
High-Pressure Studies of CL-20/Hydrogen Peroxide Solvates
This proposal will explore the effect of elevated pressure on the behaviour of two important hydrogen peroxide solvates of the explosive CL-20. We will use neutron diffraction... -
High Pressure Driven Spin States in LaCoO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well... -
Understanding pressure-driven structural and magnetic properties in LaFeO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure crystallographic and magnetic structure of LaFeO3. LaFeO3 is a characteristic example of... -
Investigation of the pressure dependence of the negative area expansion mater...
We will investigate the structure of 4-chloroimidazole a material, which undergoes extreme anisotropic thermal expansion,.as a function of pressure at a range of temperatures... -
Investigation of maleic-d2 acid isomerization at high pressure
Experiments performed in our laboratory indicate that maleic acid undergoes an unexpected structural change when subject to high pressure and temperature conditions. For these... -
Pressure-induced high-spin low-spin transition in MnS2 and MnTe2
Pressure induced high-spin (HS) to low-spin (LS) transition in MnS2 was speculated by Chattopadhyay and von Schnering more than twenty years ago from their high pressure X-ray... -
Investigating the INVAR behaviour of Pd3Fe
INVAR behaviour is the property of having zero thermal expansion over a given temperature range; something very important for certain engineering applications, and very... -
Testing of the Paris-Edinburgh press on HRPD
This dataset has no description
Neutron scattering investigation of the influence of high hydrostatic pressur...
Amyloid fibrils are highly organized filamentous structures formed by the self-assembly of polypeptides. This proposal is to study the effect of pressure on the structure of... -
High-pressure powder neutron diffraction study in Pd2MnIn
Intermetallic ternary full Heuslers have potential spintronic applications, due to a possible link between the mechanisms for magnetism and half-metallicity in these systems....