Structural analysis of Kitaev spin liquid candidate beta-Li2IrO3 under pressure
The theoretical predication of Kitaev spin liquid in honeycomb iridates triggered tremendous interests. We recently discovered a new candidate material, beta-Li2IrO3 with a 3D... -
Uranyl carbonates under pressure
The recommended method for storage of spent nuclear fuels is in an underground repository for 100,000 years. Under the long timescales, containment will fail and radioactive... -
High-pressure structure of magnetite nanoparticles
One way in which nanoparticles may differ from bulk properties are in terms of their response to pressure, but at the present time there have been very few structural studies of... -
Carbonate liquids are characterised by low temperature and low viscosity and play an important role in molten carbonate fuel cells, battery electrolytes and, surprisingly, in... -
High pressure polymorphism in ammonium bicarbonate, (ND4)DCO3
In an earlier high-pressure survey of the P,T phase diagram of deuterated ammonium carbonate, we observed changes in the neutron powder diffraction patterns that are consistent... -
Structure of a 2D antiferromagnet under pressure
Magnetic superexchange is strongly dependant on the degree of orbital overlap and hence the interatomic distances and angles within a structure. One way of tuning magnetic... -
Pressure-driven transformation of the Al coordination environment in oxide glass
In situ high-pressure neutron diffraction will be used to investigate the pressure-induced transformation of the Al coordination environment in a prototypical aluminosilicate... -
Pressure-induced phase transitions in methylammonium lead iodide
Methylammonium lead iodide has recently been recognised as an excellent photovoltaic material, with energy conversion efficient of over 20% with the prospect of gaining higher... -
High pressure charge and magnetic transitions in PbCrO3
The high pressure perovskite PbCrO3 has been known since the 1960s but the electronic properties were controversial. The average structure is a cubic Pm-3m perovskite but a... -
High Pressure Driven Spin States in LaCoO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well... -
Thermal equations of state for kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite
The three Al-silicate polymorphs, kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite, are well-known geological markers used to determine the extent of P- and T-induced metamorphism... -
Magnetic and crystal structure of goethite FeOOD under pressure
We propose the first high P/T neutron diffraction measurements on goethite (FeOOH), both the ambient pressure alpha- as well as the high-pressure epsilon-phase, in the P/T range... -
Copy of: Pressure induced phase switching magnetic ordering in BiFeO3-PbTiO3
This experiment seeks to continue previous work on PEARL, whereby the phase is altered in the room temperature multiferroic BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 using hydrostatic pressure with the... -
Density-driven structural transformations in magnesium silicate glass
The density-driven structural transformations in the magnesium silicate glass MgSiO3 will be investigated at pressures increasing to 17.5 GPa. This glass is one of a family of... -
Stress-induced martensitic transformations in single crystal Ni2MnGa ferromag...
The Heusler alloys Ni-Mn-Ga are widely considered as a new generation of multifunctional smart materials due to the mutual interplay between structural and magnetic properties... -
The role of step-size on the pressure phase diagram of BiFeO3
bismuth ferrite (BFO) remains the most studied multiferroic as a result of room temperature electric and magnetic ordering. However, real world applications are limited due to... -
Towards the Calibration of Chemical Pressure
The application of hydrostatic pressure allows the precise tuning of atomic separations, which control electronic structure and virtually all the interatomic interactions that... -
Modelling Intermolecular Interactions and Thermodynamic Properties of Naphtha...
Equations of state (EoSs) show how the thermodynamic variables of temperature, pressure and volume are inter-related. The ideal gas law, PV = nRT, is an example of an EoS which... -
IINS measurements on the terminating protons of the basic structural units of...
More than 6 million tonnes of carbon black per year are produced worldwide. The major part is used as reinforcing filler material in tyres and mechanical rubber goods. For... -
High Pressure Thermoelastic Properties of Thermoelectric PbSe
We propose to study the effect of pressure and temperature on the crystal structure and the elasticproperties of lead selenide, an important material for conversion of waste...