Unravelling the temperature-pressure phase diagram for the multiferroic, BiFeO3
Bismuth ferrite is arguably the most widely studied multiferroic material due to room temperature magnetic and ferroelectric ordering. However, despite extensive research the... -
High-Pressure Structural Behaviour of 2,2,2-trifluoro-ethanol
In the mono-alcohols (ROH) there is a competition between the packing requirements of the R-group and the demand for the hydroxyl groups to be sufficiently close for hydrogen... -
High Pressure Driven Spin States in LaCoO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure structure of LaCoO3 and observing changes within this as the material undergoes some well... -
Following the formation of Ho2Ge2O7 pyrochlore using high-pressure neutron di...
When synthesised at high pressure and temperature, holmium germanate adopts the pyrochlore structure. Because of its geometry, materials with this structure often have exotic... -
High-Resolution High-Pressure Study of the Elpasolite Perovskite La2NiMnO6
This proposal sets out to investigate the high pressure behaviour of the double perovskitematerial with the chemical formula La2NiMnO6. The properties of this and related... -
FePS3 magnetic and crystal structure under pressure
We have metallised the two-dimensional honeycomb anti-ferromagnet FePS3 at 5.5 GPa. The mechanisms for metallisation, as well as the physical properties of the metallic state,... -
Local structure studies in the pressure-induced order-disorder phase transiti...
BaTiO3 is often thought of as the classic example of a ferroelectric material, with a well-defined, widely-taught phase diagram. However, the nature of the ferroelectric phase... -
Investigation of caprolactam-d11 at high pressure
High pressure has shown to be a powerful tool for the exploration of the organic solid state. In particular one is able to perform polymerisation reactions on solid materials by... -
Exploring the High-Pressure Phase Diagram of the Spin Liquid Candidate TbInO3
Spin liquids are an exotic state of matter that hold relevance to future quantum technologies, suchas quantum computing. Recently, there has been a flurry of activity in the... -
A High-Pressure investigation on 3,4,5-Trinitropyrazole
This proposal will explore the effect of elevated pressure on the 3,4,5-Trinitropyrazole (TNP). TNP releases a large amount of dinitrogen gas as a detonation product which is... -
DAC / Electronics Tetsing
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Understanding the Pressure Response in Amines: Weak hydrogen-bonding vs Non-b...
Methylamines are an ideal chemical system to study in order to understand the effects of steric bulk and competing non-bonding interactions on hydrogen bonding at the networks... -
High-Pressure Investigation of the Ferroelectric ND4IO3
We propose a high-pressure neutron powder diffraction study of the crystal structure of deuterated ammonium iodate, ND4IO3, which is known to undergo a ferroelectric phase... -
Investigation of glycolide-h4 and d4 at high pressure.
This proposal seeks to investigate the polymorphism and polymerisation of glycolide. Glycolide is a six-memebered ring structure that polymerises into poly(glycolic acid) and is... -
High pressure structural study of BaD2
Simple hydrides are of scientific interest due to their suitability for storage of hydrogen in the solid state. These materials also display a wealth of interesting physics,... -
Comparison of the Compression Behaviour of BaSnO3 and Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3
We propose to study the effect of pressure on the structure of the tetragonal Ba0.575Sr0.425SnO3, The behaviour will be compared to the compression of the cubic BaSnO3 (parent... -
Pressure-induced proton migration in an energetic co-crystal
The results of these studies will provide valuable information on the effects of extreme conditions on the structures of an energetic salt and co-crystal formed between... -
Materials Testing for gaskets and anvils
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High pressure charge transitions in PbCoO3
PbCoO3 used to be the missing link in the PbMO3 perovskite series. PbCoO3 was recently synthesized by the Azuma group using high-pressure synthesis at 12 GPa. NPD at JPARC... -
The high pressure structures of ammonium fluoride
Ammonium fluoride is an ionic H-bonded analogue of ice. Its behaviour is thus of interest as a comparator for ice. This proposal is for beamtime to make the first neutron study...