INEL Enets Corpus
Corpus Citation Shluinsky, Andrey; Khanina, Olesya; Wagner-Nagy, Beáta. 2024. INEL Enets Corpus. Version 1.0. Publication date 2024-11-30.... -
Genome-wide chromatin binding of transcriptional corepressor Topless-related ...
Timely and specific regulation of gene expression is critical for plant responses to environmental and developmental cues. Transcriptional coregulators have emerged as important... -
Eesti taskuhäälingukorpus
Korpus koosneb eesti taskuhäälingusaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on kokku 10 633 episoodi 184 erinevast taskuhäälingust, kogukestusega 10 918 tundi, mis on... -
Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu raadiosaadete korpus
Korpus koosneb ERR-i raadiosaadetest ja nende transkriptsioonidest. Korpuses on 53 000 raadiosaadet kogukestusega 16 tuhat tundi, mis on salvestatud vahemikus 1930–2022.... -
MATLAB analysis code for 'Sequence-Specific Thermodynamic Properties of Nucle...
MATLAB code and processed datasets available for reproducing the results in: Lukačišin, M., Landon, M., Jajoo, R. (2016) Sequence-Specific Thermodynamic Properties of Nucleic... -
Swedish Blackletter OCR Evaluation Material 2018 Svensk frakturtext för OCR-...
Swedish Blackletter OCR Evaluation Material 2018. Images by GUB, transcriptions by authors. Svensk frakturtext för OCR-utvärdering 2018. Bilder från GUB, transkription av... -
Quickstart: Transcribing in EXMARaLDA
A quickstart introduction into transcribing in EXMARaLDA -
How to use the Partitur-Editor with written data
This document explains how to use the EXMARaLDA transcription editor when working with written data. These instructions apply to “ordinary” written texts, i.e. not... -
Quickstart: Working with the EXMARaLDA search tool (EXAKT)
A quickstart introduction into working with the EXMARaLDA search tool (EXAKT) -
Quickstart: Regular Expressions in the EXMARaLDA search tool (EXAKT)
A quickstart introduction into regular expressions in the EXMARaLDA search tool (EXAKT) -
Formation EXMARaLDA
This is a presentation (Slides and Handout) created for an EXMARaLDA training in Nantes (February 2009) -
How to get started with EXMARaLDA on the basis of the Demo Corpus
This document explains how to install the EXMARaLDA tools and how to use the EXMARaLDA demo corpus to get a first impression of the EXMARaLDA system. More documents and... -
How to import text transcriptions
This document explains how to import transcriptions of spoken language created with a text editor or a word processor into the Partitur-Editor using the “Simple... -
Understanding the basics of EXMARaLDA
This document explains the basic concepts of the EXMARaLDA system and the terminology used in the tools' menus and dialogs and in all other documentation. -
Quickstart: Segmentation in the EXMARaLDA Partitur Editor
A quickstart introduction into segmentation in the EXMARaLDA Partitur Editor -
Quickstart: Maintenance Functions in the EXMARaLDA Corpus Manager (Coma)
A quickstart introduction into maintenance functions in the EXMARaLDA Corpus Manager (Coma) -
Transcribing spoken language with EXMARaLDA / Partitur-Editor - step by step ...
This document provides a step-by-step tutorial of how to transcribe with the Partitur-Editor as a step by step instructions based on an example of spoken Turkish. -
EXMARaLDA Partitur Editor: Keyboard shortcuts
Partitur-Editor: Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse operations -
How to: Segmentierung
Dieses Dokument erläutert die Verwendung der eingebauten Segmentierungsalgorithmen der endlichen Maschinen des EXMARaLDA Partitur-Editors. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse... -
Manual for the EXMARaLDA search tool EXAKT.