Trophic levels and simple functional groups for taxa recorded in the Barents ...
This dataset contains the Latin names and literature-based broad trophic and feeding occurrence (in terms of category of feeding depth zone) characteristics of 809 taxa recorded... -
Trophic ecology of squids in the Benguela Upwelling System assessed through s...
For stable isotope baseline measurements, the primarily herbivorous copepod Nannocalanus minor was collected during the research cruise SO285 on RV Sonne in the northern (nBUS)... -
Trophic ecology of squids in the Benguela Upwelling System assessed through s...
Squids were collected during the research cruise SO285 on RV Sonne in the northern (nBUS) and southern (sBUS) Benguela Upwelling System between September 13 and October 9, 2021... -
Trophic ecology of squids in the Benguela Upwelling System assessed through s...
Squids were collected during the research cruise SO285 on RV Sonne in the northern (nBUS) and southern (sBUS) Benguela Upwelling System between September 13 and October 9, 2021... -
Trophic ecology of squids in the Benguela Upwelling System assessed through s...
Squids were collected during the research cruise SO285 on RV Sonne in the northern (nBUS) and southern (sBUS) Benguela Upwelling System between September 13 and October 9, 2021... -
Compilation of trophic positions of marine biota from the central and Northea...
Fractional trophic levels (i.e., trophic positions) describe the position of organisms within food webs and help define their functional roles in ecosystems (Odum & Heald,... -
Compilation of data to assess trophic interactions in mesopelagic food webs i...
Mesopelagic organisms play a critical role in marine ecosystems, channelling energy and organic matter across food webs and serving as the primary prey for many open-ocean... -
A new molecular isotopic toolkit to examine estuarine food webs and biogeoche...
Aquatic and terrestrial plant materials were collected from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region. Carbon and nitrogen isotope values of individual amino acids and bulk... -
Amino acid nitrogen isotopic analysis of aquatic and terrestrial plants from ...
Aquatic and terrestrial plants were collected from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Nitrogen isotope values of bulk plant tissue and individual amino acids were measured.... -
Stable carbon isotope amino acids fingerprints of estuarine and freshwater ma...
Plant material was collected from aquatic and terrestrial environments from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Carbon isotope values of bulk plant tissue and individual...