Star clusters study in PHANGS-HST galaxies
Using PHANGS-HST NUV-U-B-V-I imaging of 17 nearby spiral galaxies, we study samples of star clusters and stellar associations, visually selected to be bright and relatively... -
The quiescent fraction of isolated LSBGs
Understanding the formation and evolution of low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) is critical for explaining their wide-ranging properties. However, studies of LSBGs in deep... -
Leveraging HST with MUSE II
Ancient (>10Gyr) globular clusters (GCs) show chemical abundance variations in the form of patterns among certain elements, e.g. N correlates with Na and anticorrelates with... -
Leveraging HST with MUSE I - NGC 1978
Nearly all of the well-studied ancient globular clusters (GCs), in the Milky Way and in nearby galaxies, show star-to-star variations in specific elements (e.g. He, C, N, O, Na,... -
Evolution of red spiral galaxies with GAMA
We use multiwavelength data from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to explore the cause of red optical colours in nearby (0.002<z<0.06) spiral galaxies. We show... -
Detection of a tidal stream associated with M68
A method to search for tidal streams and to fit their orbits based on maximum likelihood is presented and applied to the Gaia data. Tests of the method are performed showing how... -
V and R lightcurves of BL Lac object PKS 0537-441
We present the colour indices V-R of BL Lacertae object PKS 0537-441 on the basis of the photometric data monitored by the Rapid Eye Mounting (REM) telescope located at the ESO... -
Observation of six NSVS eclipsing binaries
We carried out photometric and low-resolution spectral observations of six eclipsing ultrashort-period binaries with main-sequence (MS)components. The light-curve solutions of... -
Colour and spectral index from the SLUGGS survey
As part of the SAGES Legacy Unifying Globulars and GalaxieS (SLUGGS) survey, we stack 1137 Keck DEIMOS (Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph) spectra of globular clusters from... -
Galaxy And Mass Assembly: red & blue galaxies
We measure the mass functions for generically red and blue galaxies, using a z<0.12 sample of logM_>8.7 field galaxies from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. Our... -
Globular clusters in the Magellanic Clouds
We report JHK results of observations of 12 globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and present colour-magnitude diagrams down to K=16 (corresponding to absolute... -
Survey of faint compact objects
We present results from a low-resolution (73A) spectroscopic survey of faint compact objects conducted with the Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian... -
F, G and K dwarf stars of the Pleiades
(no description available) -
Periodic variable stars from LAMOST DR9
Identifying and classifying variable stars is essential to time-domain astronomy. The Large Area Multi-Object Fiber Optic Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) acquired a large... -
Stellar loci. VII. FGK stars from GALEX and Gaia
We combine photometric data from GALEX GR6+7 All-Sky Imaging Survey and Gaia Early Data Release 3 with stellar parameters from the SAGA and PASTEL catalogs to construct... -
Carbon stars from LAMOST DR7
Carbon stars are excellent kinematic tracers of galaxies and play important roles in understanding the evolution of the Galaxy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to search for them in... -
9-month HST NUV survey of M87. I. LCs of 94 novae
M87 has been monitored with a cadence of 5 days over a span of 9 months through the near-ultraviolet (NUV; F275W) and optical (F606W) filters of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3)... -
Open clusters in K2-Gaia DR3. I. Membership & rot.
Using data from Gaia Data Release 3 and Kepler/K2, we present a catalog of 16 open clusters with ages ranging from 4-4000Myr that provides detailed information on membership,... -
Distant Galactic star clusters from Gaia DR3
Despite having data for over 10^9^ stars from Gaia, less than 10^4^ star clusters and candidates have been discovered. In particular, distant star clusters are rarely... -
Abundance measurements in M15 RGB stars
Large-scale surveys will provide spectroscopy for ~50 million resolved stars in the Milky Way and Local Group. However, these data will have a high degree of heterogeneity and...