AlbNews Albanian Topic Modeling
AlbNews is a topic modeling corpus of news headlines in Albanian, consisting of 600 labeled samples and 2600 unlabeled samples. Each labeled sample includes a headline text... -
Amharic Web Corpus
Amharic web corpus. Crawled by SpiderLing in August 2013 and October 2015 and January 2016. Encoded in UTF-8, cleaned, deduplicated. Tagged by TreeTagger trained on Amharic WIC... -
Oromo web corpus
Oromo web corpus. Crawled by SpiderLing in January 2016. Encoded in UTF-8, cleaned, deduplicated. -
AlbMoRe Movie Reviews in Albanian
AlbMoRe is a sentiment analysis corpus of movie reviews in Albanian, consisting of 800 records in CSV format. Each record includes a text review retrieved from IMDb and... -
OdiEnCorp 2.0
Data We have collected English-Odia parallel data for the purposes of NLP research of the Odia language. The data for the parallel corpus was extracted from existing parallel...