Validation of satellite daily rainfall estimates in complex terrain of Bali I...
Satellite rainfall products have different performances in different geographic regions under different physical and climatological conditions. In this study, the objective was... -
ERASE screening instrument for elder abuse
A prospective study design to investigate the prevalence of elder abuse and the positive predictive value of ERASE (screening instrument). Date: 2021-04-01 Date Submitted:... -
Validation of the LENT-SAAMPLE method with the large amplitude droplet oscill...
The LENT-SAAMPLE method is validated using oscillations of droplets for which the amplitude cannot be considered small compared to the equivalent radius of the droplet. For the... -
Copernicus Cal/Val Solution: Recommendations for R&D activities on instrument...
Raport Euroopa Liidu kaugseire programmi Copernicus raames kasutusel olevatest kalibreerimise ja valideerimise tehnoloogiatest ja puudujääkidest. Raportis antakse soovitusi... -
Residual stress development due to electron beam welding of aerospace compres...
Electron beam (EB) welding is a well-established and frequently used joining method within the aerospace industry. A numerical model, using a commercial weld-simulation package... -
Validation of the VitaBit Sit-Stand Tracker Detecting sitting, standing, and...
Sedentary behavior (SB) raises risks for detrimental consequences and is not compensable by other health behaviors such as moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PA). In order... -
High angular and spectral directional reflectance dataset of snow and sea-ice
This dataset includes the data published in Goyens et al. (2018, DOI:10.1002/2017EA000332). It provides the following parameters for the different ice, snow and ponded ice...