Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of the Student Government at the University in Ljubljana (1992)
Na osnovi teoretičnih in empiričnih spoznanj je bil oblikovan omrežni generatorji za merjenje teoretično utemeljene dimenzije socialne opore - vsebina omrežnega generatorja za... -
Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (1998)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (2000-2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (2001-2002)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of Social informatics of FDV (2004-2005)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (1992-1993)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Socialna opora dijakov Gimnazije Poljane (2000)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
ERASE screening instrument for elder abuse
A prospective study design to investigate the prevalence of elder abuse and the positive predictive value of ERASE (screening instrument). Date: 2021-04-01 Date Submitted:... -
ImmuunFIT: a study on the construct validity and appropriateness of the Immun...
This is a preregistration of our ImuunFIT study. It includes a description of the study protocol, information letters, informed consent forms and datamanagement plan -
A reconsideration of the Self-Compassion Scale's total score: Self-compassion...
Abstract: The Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) is currently the only self-report instrument to measure self-compassion. The SCS is widely used despite the limited evidence for the... -
Anomalous Layer at a Nematic-Air Interface
The aim is to establish the nature of the surface layer of 8CB at the nematic-air interface by measuring neutron reflection from three differently deuterated versions of 8CB.... -
Replication Data for: Predicting measurement error variance in social surveys
Social science commonly studies relationships among variables by employing survey questions. Answers to these questions will contain some degree of measurement error, distorting... -
The injury illness sensitivity index – Revised: Further validation in a Dutch...
Injury/illness sensitivity (IS) is conceptualized as a fundamental fear that underlies fear-related psychopathology and chronic health conditions, including chronic pain. The...