Abundances of large microplastics (L-MP, 500-5000 µm) in surface waters of th...
In order to assess pollution with large microplastics (L-MP, 500-5000 µm) in the Lower Weser and transition to the German North Sea, surface water samples were collected with... -
Abundances of small microplastics (S-MP, 11-500 µm) in surface waters of the ...
In order to assess pollution with small microplastics (S-MP, 11-500 µm) in the Lower Weser and transition to the German North Sea, surface water samples were collected with the... -
Microplastic concentration and composition in subsurface waters of the Weddel...
The dataset provides information about the microplastic contamination in subsurface water samples pumped from a depth of ∼11.2 m in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Samples (n = 79)... -
Microplastic concentration and composition in surface waters of the Weddell S...
The dataset provides information about the microplastic contamination in surface waters of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Samples (n = 34) were collected during two expeditions on... -
Interview Vishwa Mehra on the vault paintings in Naarden
This interview with paintings conservator Vishwa Raj Mehra focuses on his involvement with the conservation of the painted wooden vault of the ‘Grote or Sint-Vituskerk’ in... -
High Field muon spin rotation studies in Ni-Mn-(Sn,In) based metamagnetic sha...
We have recently performed zero field muon spin rotation (muSR) studies of one the shape memory alloy Ni2.04Mn1.4Sn0.56 on EMU spectrometer at ISIS and the observed results are... -
Spin excitations in LiFeAs, a stoichiometric ferropnictide superconductor at ...
We propose to measure the powder-averaged spin excitation spectrum of LiFeAs, a new member of the ferropnictide family of superconductors. This compound is special because it is... -
Possible Time-Reversal-Symmetry-Broken Superconductivity in Locally Non-Centr...
Recently, we performed muSR measurements at the continuous muon source at PSI on the magnetic and superconducting properties of locally non-centrosymmetric SrPtAs. We find a...