Solvent-induced curvature of micelles
The purpose is to follow a structural evolution as water soluble (normal curvature) micelles are gradually transformed into oil soluble (reversed curvature) aggregates. Although... -
Detecting an entanglement transition in a quantum magnet
Justification: We'd like to apply for three days Director’s Discretionary time on WISH to continue the experiment on measures of quantum entanglement in a model 1D magnet. This... -
Study of Co- and Fe-doped and undoped hafnium oxide tunnel barrier structures
We propose to investigate with polarized neutron reflection (PNR) measurements the magnetic moment and interface properties of Co- and Fe-doped HfO2 thin films and undoped HfO2... -
Determining the role of inversion symmetry in single crystals of the noncentr...
In superconductors, the inversion symmetry of the crystallographic structure plays a central role in the formation of the Cooper pairs. When inversion symmetry is broken, there... -
Is CuO multiferroic at room temperatures under high pressure ?
Two recent high profile theoretical studies predict the existence of room temperature multiferroicity in CuO at high pressures. If confirmed experimentally, this would represent... -
Proton and Oxygen Momentum Distributions in HxLiyWO3: Detecting Changes with ...
We request 4 days on VESUVIO to study the proton, lithium and oxygen momentum distributions in a series of HxLiyWO3 bronzes (including the protonated bronze HxWO3). VESUVIO has... -
Magnetic Structure of Candidate Ferroelectric Metal
Perovskite oxides exhibit a large array of interesting electronic properties. Owing to their difficult synthesis (requiring extremely high pressures) the MOsO3 Osmates offer a... -
Magnetic ordering in the frustrated honeycomb antiferromagnet Li2IrO3
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore novel ground states in frustrated quantum magnets. Strong spin-orbit coupling is predicted to stabilize composite... -
Surface structures of polycations in confined geometries
A second-generation surface force style apparatus has been developed to probe the inter-surface and near-surface structures under compressive forces. Systems of current academic... -
Investigation of the low temperature magnetic order in Cu nitrate
The aim of this proposal is to study the field induced magnetically ordered phase of the quasi 1D spin system copper nitrate. We plan to study the integrated intensities of the... -
Conformational behaviour of amphiphilic polymethacrylate-poly(acrylic acid) c...
We intend to use small angle neutron scattering to investigate the conformational behaviour of a range of amphiphilic copolymers comprising a hydrophobic methacrylate segment... -
Superconductivity induced changes in the ferromangetic order of Y(1-x)PrxBa2C...
By polarized neutron reflectometry we want to investigate the magnetic field profile in Y(1-x)PrxBa2Cu3O7/La(2/3)Ca(1/3)MnO3 high-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet superlattices. In... -
Investigation of the phase diagram of Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O (WISH portion)
We propose using WISH and HRPD to examine the structure of the Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O phase diagram as a function of temperature. The primary goals are the determination of the... -
Magnetic study of the new skyrmion-carrying material CoZnMn
Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are swirl-like magnetisation entities that satisfy topological quantisation conditions. They can therefore not be easily unwound into another... -
Binding of DNA to Model Membranes in the Presence of Ca2+ Ions and a Membrane...
The aim of the present work is to gain an understanding of the interaction of DNA with the phospholipid bilayers. The effect of different forms of DNA, the presence of divalent... -
Magnetic structure and multiferroicity in metal-formate perovskites
The family of guanadinium metal formates (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) are isostructural with the perovskites and are therefore of interest for potential applications: in particular,... -
Neutron Diffraction study of Highly Frustrated SrEr2O4
We propose to measure the neutron diffraction pattern of a single crystal sample of SrEr2O4, using the WISH diffractometer. As the magnetic Er ions in this compound are linked... -
Characterisation of Spin density Wave phase in Na2Ti2(Sb,As)2O
The formation of charge and spin density wave (CDW and SDW) states in metallic systems isdriven by Fermi surface instabilities that are often found to compete with... -
Magnetic Phase Diagram of Geometrically Frustrated SrHo2O4
In SrHo2O4, the Ho3+ ions are arranged in a network of triangles and hexagons, and coupled with antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, this gives rise to geometric...