Vegetation survey on Esnandes - LRTZC project
387 points were surveyed with a SP80 DGPS by Maxime Paschal as part of the La Rochelle Zero Carbon Territory (LRTZC) project on 26/05/23. At each point, the type of vegetation... -
Vegetation surveys on dike grasslands between Straubing and Vilshofen at the ...
We surveyed dike grasslands of the river Danube between 2017 and 2021 with 41 plots (25 m²) at 12 sites. The dike grasslands had an age of 4-19 years. The dikes were raised and... -
Data of River Danube: raw data sites
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Vegetation surveys on dike grasslands between Straubing and Vilshofen at the ...
We surveyed dike grasslands of the river Danube between 2017 and 2021 with 41 plots (25 m²) at 12 sites. The dike grasslands had an age of 4-19 years. The dikes were raised and... -
Foliage projective cover of 26 vegetation sites of central Lena Delta from 2018
Field investigations were performed in the central Lena Delta. In total, 26 sites were investigated. The sites were chosen to represent a variety of vegetation communities of... -
Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report - pre-compiled metrics files
The tropospheric ozone assessment report (TOAR; http://www.igacproject.org/activities/TOAR) is published as a series of peer-reviewed publications in the journal Elementa -... -
Ground vegetation cover at 47 lake sites in Central and Eastern Yakutia, Sibe...
The vegetation surveys were carried out in four different study areas in the Sakha Republic, Russia: in the mountainous region of the Verkhoyansk Range within the Oymyakonsky... -
Maps of land-cover classes of four areas in the central Chukotka (Russia)
In the Dataset four land-cover maps are included. Each map represents an area in central Chukotka along a vegetation gradient from treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04, Lake... -
Vegetation and soil properties in subalpine and alpine belts in the Tatra Mou...
The data present characteristics of the spatial pattern of vegetation in the Kocioł Świński Goryczkowy (upper part of the Goryczkowa Świńska Valley) and the Kocioł Gąsienicowy... -
Landsurf _DSS_Data
The dataset contains a wide range of climatological, agrometeorological, and remote sensing indices of West Africa for 1981-2100. The climatological and agrometeorlogical index... -
Mediterranean-wide pollen-inferred Holocene vegetation classification
Fossil and modern pollen data sets are used to infer Holocene vegetation change for 6 case study regions across the Mediterranean and at a pan-Mediterranean scale (described by... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, structural and chemical characteristics of the ...
Seagrasses commonly display carbon-limited photosynthetic rates. Thus, increases in atmospheric pCO2, and consequentially oceanic CO2(aq) concentrations, may prove beneficial.... -
Data of River Danube: raw species data
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Fine-root biomass in four forested site types under undrained and drained con...
Peat cores were taken in late August, 2016, with a box-shaped 65 mm x 37 mm peat corer, except in the wet TP site where a 60 mm x 60 mm corer was used. Roots were manually... -
Vegetation coverage from four boreal forested peatland site in Finland
Ground vegetation cover analysis was done in summer 2018. Tree seedlings with a height less than 1.3 m were included. -
Vegetation and climate in Syria, link to matlab and netCDF files
Here we present data on vegetation and climate conditions in Syria, including some nc files. The nc files describe the spatial status of Syria, including land cover in 2010,... -
Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central E...
Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a... -
Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central E...
Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a... -
Supplementary Material to "Spatial characteristics of vegetation determine re...
This Pdf file contains supplementary material to the manuscript "Spatial characteristics of vegetation determine resolution requirements and upscaling potential for large-scale... -
Data from: Growth forms and life-history strategies predict the occurrence of...
Data from: Growth forms and life-history strategies predict the occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in relation to environmental factors in a shallow peat lake complex. Journal:...