Diversity of sea star-associated densoviruses and transcribed endogenized vir...
The primary interest of sea star densoviruses, specifically SSaDV, has been their association with Sea Star Wasting Syndrome (SSWS), a disease that has decimated sea star... -
Viral diversity in river catchment area
Viral metagenomes of river catchment area to determine viral pathogens and risk for water- and foodborne illness. -
Viromes of Mediterranean Sea sponges and surrounding seawater
Viral diversity and function from 36 viromes (DNA/RNA) of Mediterranean sponge species and nearby seawater. We captured viral communities from two cell layers (pinacoderm,... -
viral metagenome Metagenome
viral community metagenomic analysis -
Sargassum and Seawater metagenomes
The goal of this study was to investigate the functional genomics of Sargassum sp. metagenomes (n=5), surrounding seawater metagenomes (n=5), and viromes (n=5). Samples were... -
Sea water virus Genome sequencing and assembly
Creating marine pathogens List -
Viromes of the Comau Fjord marine ecosystem, Northern Patagonia (42 S) Raw se...
A project aimed to give insights on the changes in microbial communities from the scope of ecological, molecular and evolutionary traits of viral maritime communities on Comau... -
vSAG 37-F6 Microdiversity
Study of the genetic micro-varibility within the vSAG 37-F6 population -
Single Virus Genomics marine phages
Sequencing of Single Virus from marine samples to optimize a pipeline for single cell and viral genomics -
Virome analysis of Porites lutea at PNG CO2 seeps
Naturally occurring CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea act as natural experiments replicating forecasted ocean CO2 concentrations. DNA and RNA viromes were collected from Porites... -
Viral metagenome Metagenome
The main goal of this study was to characterize the viral assemblage associated to a lymphocystis skin lesion of a juvenile Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) captured in Malaga... -
viral metagenome Metagenome
Understanding the general stat of viral community -
Intertidal isopod metaviromes
Metaviromes from marine intertidal isopods Idotea wosnesenskii, Idotea resecata, and Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis collected on the Pacific coast of North America between... -
Asteroidea-associated viral communities Metagenome
Viral communities associated with asteroids (sea stars) -
Viruses associated with Daphnia mendotae (Arthropoda Cladocera)
Viral metagenomes prepared from 200 Daphnia mendotae collected from Oneida Lake, NY in June and August 2010. -
Study of viral diversity in Baikal sponges
Sponges are an ecologically important component of marine and freshwater bodies sponge community includes a variety of microorganisms (fungi, algae, archaea, bacteria) and... -
Red Sea Virome Metagenome
Viral fraction from surface water from the Gulf of Aqaba. -
Sewage Viruses Metagenome
Analysis of sewage by deep sequencing provides an efficient method for large-scale viral discovery and for monitoring enteric viral infections in large populations. A... -
Cuatro Cienegas viral metagenome
In this study, we tested whether the large biodiversity and geographic structure of CCB is reflected in its virome. CCB is an extraordinarily biodiverse oasis in the Chihuahuan... -
Bacteria, Archaea and viruses of Great Salt Lake (GSL) sediments
Microbial and viral sequences from Great Salt Lake sediments were chosen for studying their diversity and interaction in a hypersaline ecosystem.