Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1981 - CV'81
Trend study of changes in general opinion and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Willingness to offer income for a shorter working-week / job pleasure, worries,... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1979 - CV'79
Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population / willingness to offer income for a shorter working week / job satisfaction,... -
Autoritaire persoonlijkheid en zijn godsdienstige wereld 1970
Rigidity / measures that would lead to peace in the world / progressiveness versus conservatism / socio-economic radicalism / egalitarian attitude / attitude to change /... -
Vakbonden en prijzen 1968
Trade unions and prices / information and opinion on wage and price policy / opinions on minimum income Hfl. 100 per week / opinions on trade union policy / expectations... -
Leven en welzijn 1976 : Een onderzoek naar het voorzieningenniveau in de geme...
Socio-cultural provisions in a small municipality / moving / satisfaction / shopping facilities / local transport facilities / organizational membership / housing situation /... -
Leefsituatie onderzoek, 1983 - LSO'83
Description of life situation of the Dutch population over 18 years, both objective as well as experienced by respondents. House, dwelling size / rent / quality / complaints /... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1985 - CV'85
Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Media exposure of news and politics / occupation / average time of watching tv /... -
Enquête inkomens 1983
Perception of Dutch citizens about incomes and income proportions, employment and unemployment in the Netherlands. Living costs, rent subsidy, mortgage repayment, household... -
Vrijwillige gezinsvoogd 1973
Voluntary family guardians working with the Dutch national society for the prevention of cruelty to children ( kinderbescherming ) / preparation for function / motivations /... -
Epidemiologie van de arbeidsongeschiktheid, cohort 1987
The project Epidemiology of Incapacity for Work was initiated and executed by the Dutch Communal Medical Service ( GMD , Gemeenschappelijke Medische Dienst ) to provide... -
Uitvoering van sociale zekerheidswetten 1991
Evaluation by clients regarding practice of social security laws in the Netherlands. Part of survey: clients of six social security laws: WAO, Sickness, ABP, WW, ABW RWW. Part... -
Clienten over samenhang in de maatschappelijke dienstverlening 1983
Judging the coherence of welfare facilities in the public assistance. Frequency of contacts with assistance / reason for contact, kind of problems / kind of assisting... -
Bijstandsdichtheid 1971
The density of the population who receive welfare benefits in municipalities. -
Beroepsgedrag van de algemeen maatschappelijk werker 1977
To find an answer to the following questions: Which ideas do social workers have about their work. How far do social workers act according to their ideas. How much is the social... -
BKR onderzoek ( beeldende kunstenaars regeling ) 1981
Describing the life, situation of those engaged professionally in visual arts. Artist / artistic recognition / exhibitions / travelling abroad / prices / stipends / grants /... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 1985 - SOCON'85
Social relevance of religion in the Netherlands. Occupation and kind of work / in which organization or company / how many days work / organizational role in work / r member of... -
Continuous ( social-political ) survey 1983
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference... -
Italianen in Nederland 1975
Contacts with family of ( Dutch ) wife and with family in Italy / motivation for coming to Holland / information on Holland before departure / job in Holland ( satisfaction,... -
Het plaatsen van jeugdigen in tehuizen 1975
Type of parents: natural parents, step-parents, adoptive parents, guardian / reason for absence of natural parent / which institutions are responsible for placing the child in a... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1980 - CV'80
Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Job satisfaction, worries, future, unemployment / satisfaction with present life...