Post 1986 lake sediment carbon accumulation from 213 lakes in Finland and lak...
Dataset contains lake sediment accumulation data from 213 different lakes in boreal Finland that can be used to calculate modern carbon (post 1986) sediment accumulation rates.... -
Seasonal chamber measurements of CH4 fluxes and pore water data from vegetati...
The data set contains chamber measurements of methane (CH4) emissions from vegetation removal experiments consisting of three vegetation treatments (intact vegetation, vascular... -
Seasonal chamber measurements of CH4 fluxes and their isotopic composition al...
The data set contains measurements of methane (CH4) emissions and their δ13C values at vegetation removal experiments consisting of three vegetation treatments (intact... -
Literature synthesis data of surface energy fluxes and environmental drivers ...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Radiocarbon dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes
A compilation of basal dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes, associated metadata including location, age, raw and calibrated radiocarbon ages, and... -
2D-ERT data measured in 2019 in the Loosbach valley near Pestenacker, Bavaria...
The Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) data were acquired by using a PC controlled DC resistivity meter system (RESECS, GeoServe, Kiel, Germany) in June 2019. We measured... -
Electromagnetic induction measurements with the vertically oriented dipole of...
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) was measured with a CMD-Mini Explorer (GF Instruments s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic) in May 2018 and June 2019. We used the vertical dipole (VDP)... -
Electromagnetic induction measurements with the vertically oriented dipole of...
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) was measured with a CMD-Mini Explorer (GF Instruments s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic) in May 2018 and June 2019. We used the vertical dipole (VDP)... -
Near surface geophysical data (Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Resis...
The dataset was used to map the spatial information of the subsurface to build an accurate representative stratigraphy for calculating the carbon storage of the initially... -
Data underlying the PhD thesis of Stefanie Steinbach: Sustainable Use of Afri...
This dataset includes data and codes underlying the PhD thesis of Stefanie Steinbach: Sustainable Use of African Wetlands for Food Security: A Spatial Evaluation Approach. The... -
Concentration of n-alkanes and hydrogen isotopic compositions from modern we...
This data supporting the study Leaf wax n-alkane distribution and hydrogen isotopic fractionation in fen plant communities of two Mediterranean wetlands (Tenaghi Philippon, Nisí... -
Direct Push Sensing with the Soil Optical Color Screening Tool in the Loosbac...
For the reconstruction of the Holocene deposition history of the Loosbach valley at Pestenacker, an UNESCO world heritage site of Late Neolithic wetland occupation, 297 direct... -
Detailed lithological descriptions of recovered cores from the Loosbach valle...
In 2018 and 2019, 14 driving cores and 20 hand drillings were carried out to reconstruct the Holocene deposition history of the Loosbach valley at Pestenacker, an UNESCO world... -
Geochemical data of recovered cores from the Loosbach valley at Pestenacker, ...
In 2018 and 2019, driving cores were carried out to reconstruct the Holocene deposition history of the Loosbach valley at Pestenacker, an UNESCO world heritage site of Late... -
An expert survey on chamber measurement techniques and approaches for calcula...
This data set contains the responses to an expert survey on chamber measurements of methane (CH4) fluxes from 36 participants working in 11 countries each of whom had at least... -
Substrate composition, erodibility (Cohesive Strength Meter; CSM) and undrain...
This dataset comprises measurements of substrate composition (water content, organic content, carbonate content, particle size, particle density, root mass content), erodibility... -
Time series of water parameters, nutrient, and gas samples in the Coffs Creek...
Measurements of water parameters of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity as well as nutrient samples of dissolved organic carbon, filtered and unfiltered nitrogen, and... -
Longitudinal monthly surveys of water parameters, nutrient, and gas samples i...
Longitudinal monthly surveys were performed on eleven occasions from July 2017 to June 2018. A total of 66 samples were collected over a total period of 12 months. Water... -
Water parameters, nutrient, and gas samples in the Coffs Creek estuary, 2017-...
Longitudinal monthly surveys were performed on eleven occasions from July 2017 to June 2018. A total of 66 samples were collected over a total period of 12 months. Water... -
Uppskattningar av våtmarksfågel före och efter våtmarksrestaureringar inom jo...
The purpose of this data was to evaluate and quantify wetland restoration efficiency for a scientific paper. The data contains pair counts of wetland bird species in wetlands...