Data from : Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity
This repository hosts two datasets of the paper "François Balfourier et al., Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity." Sci.Adv.5, eaav0536(2019).... -
Crop diversification and digestate application effect on the productivity and...
This dataset was done gathering and calculating data from an experiment integrated in the Circular Agronomics project. In October 2019 an experiment was setup in a randomized... -
Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology
Wheat Trait and Phenotype Ontology is an ontology of wheat traits and environmental factors that affect these traits. They include resistance to disease, development nutrition,... -
Deep learning based 3d reconstruction for phenotyping of wheat seeds: dataset
We present a new data set for 3d wheat seed reconstruction, propose a challenge “Wheat Seed 3d Reconstruction Challenge”, and provide baseline methods [1]. The dataset consists... -
Deep learning based 3d reconstruction for phenotyping of wheat seeds: dataset...
We present a new data set for 3d wheat seed reconstruction, propose a challenge “Wheat Seed 3d Reconstruction Challenge”, and provide baseline methods [1]. The dataset consists... -
Soil moisture from invasive sampling, capacitance sensor network and cosmic-r...
This dataset provides soil moisture measurements collected at the EC1 experimental site located near Katharinentaler Hof, Kraichgau, Germany, spanning from April to August 2013.... -
Soil moisture from invasive sampling, capacitance sensor network and cosmic-r...
The data set accompanies the manuscript: Scheiffele, L. M., Munz, M., Francke, T., Baroni, G., Oswald, S. E. (2024) "Enhancing hectare-scale groundwater recharge estimation by... -
Global dataset of historical yields v1.2 and v1.3 aligned version
The Global Dataset of Historical Yield (GDHYv1.2+v1.3) offers annual time series data of 0.5-degree grid-cell yield estimates of major crops worldwide for the period 1981-2016.... -
ITS2 Illumina MiSeq (2x300bp) Malaise trap plant DNA traces
Metabarcoding plant DNA traces found in the preservative ethanol of Malaise trap samples has the potential to provide more information on what plants insects are interacting... -
Dataset illustrating the disruptive impact of rainfall on the diurnal periodi...
This dataset was collected in 1999 at INRAE Grignon (France) and is used to illustrate the disruptive impact of rainfall on the diurnal periodicity of airborne wheat rust spores... -
Phenology Data - INRAE Domaine d'Époisses - U2E 115 - BDD PHETEC
Ce modèle est défini pour la base de données PHETEC – Grandes cultures. Données d'observation de la phénologie de plusieurs cultures (Blé, Colza et Betterave) observées par... -
Wheat 2006 outdoor
This dataset contains the underlying data for the study: Evers JB, Vos J, Yin X, Romero P, van der Putten PEL, Struik PC. 2010. Simulation of wheat growth and development based... -
Wheat 2012 outdoor (MSc thesis)
This dataset contains the underlying data for the MSc thesis: Effects of population density on tillering in wheat and barley. Tillering is the formation of lateral shoots from... -
Wheat 2004 outdoor
This dataset contains the underlying data for the study: Evers JB, Vos J, Andrieu B, Struik PC. 2006. Cessation of tillering in spring wheat in relation to light interception... -
The dataset provides transposable elements annotation (cf Transposable_elements_Annotation) of 11 hexaploid wheat (ArinaLrFor, Jagger, Julius, Lancer, Landmark, Mace, Norin61,... -
Phenotypic data corresponding to two aggressiveness components (infection eff...
Phenotypic data corresponding to two aggressiveness components (infection efficiency and latency period) of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici assessed under warm and cold... -
GeCKO - Durum Wheat domestication use case
GeCKO provides four workflows (DataCleaning, ReadsMapping, VariantsCalling, and VcfFiltering), which allow one to easily chain the different analyses needed to transform raw... -
Robert et al. Combining crop growth modelling with trait-assisted prediction ...
Genotyping data, Phenotyping data (Heading date and Grain Yield) used in the study of Robert et al. (220 wheat varieties and 16 environments as well as 139 environmental... -
Unravelling the mechanisms of negative thermal in γ-Mg(11BD4)2
We request 2 days on HRPD to perform a detailed study of the low temperature behaviour of γ-Mg(11BD4)2 in order to measure the change lattice parameter as a function of... -
Poaceae Triticum araraticum drawings
Drawings of representative reference material of wild Timopheevi wheat (Tricitum araraticum). Specimens for illustration were selected by the late Prof. Gordon Hillman...