Replication Data for "Impact of Hydrocarbon Extraction on Heavy Metal Concent...
En la Amazonía Peruana se han desarrollado prácticas de extracción de petróleo desde la década de 1920, lo que ha provocado una graves contaminación ambiental debido a los... -
Yhdeksäsluokkalaisten luontosuhde 2019
Aineisto on osa tutkimusta, jossa kartoitettiin yhdeksäsluokkalaisten luontosuhdetta luontosuhdekyselyn ja onnellisuuskertomusten avulla. Jokaiselle vastaajalle on aineistossa... -
Svensk veckopress 1920-1975
In this survey the contents of 21 Swedish weeklies are scrutinized for the period 1920-1975. Four issues of each paper have been examined for each five years. Innehållsanalysen... -
SOM-undersökningen till utlandssvenskar 2014
In the autumn of 2014 the first SOM survey aimed at Swedes living abroad, was conducted. The SOM survey to expatriates focus, like the National SOM surveys, on three themes -... -
SOM-undersökningen till utlandssvenskar 2014
In the autumn of 2014 the first SOM survey aimed at Swedes living abroad, was conducted. The SOM survey to expatriates focus, like the National SOM surveys, on three themes -... -
Piégeage de Coléoptères Carabidés sur 3 années consécutives (2013, 2014 et 20...
Le jeu de données présenté a été produit par la ferme expérimentale INRAE de Saint-Laurent-de-la-Prée dans le cadre de l’expérimentation-système Transi’marsh. L’objectif de... -
SOM-undersökningen till utlandssvenskar 2014
In the autumn of 2014 the first SOM survey aimed at Swedes living abroad, was conducted. The SOM survey to expatriates focus, like the National SOM surveys, on three themes -...