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Investigation of the effect of crack propagation on weld zone residual stress...
Welds have an associated residual stress field that affects the propagation rate of weld zone defects/cracks. Crack propagation modifies the local stress field through residual... -
In situ loading of Zr-2.5Nb-O at cryogenic temperatures
The proposed experiment will study the deformation of a two phase Zr-2.5Nb alloy at cryogenic temperatures. It forms part of our ongoing long-term project to understand the... -
Stress evaluation of RAFM weld for fusion reactor
Reduced Activation Ferritic-Martensitic steels (RAFMs) are the primary candidate structuralmaterial for the FDS series LiPb blankets for fusion reactors, in particular the Dual... -
In-situ tension and compression tests in plane strain
This proposal forms part of our larger study into the mechanics of nickel based alloys. In particular we are attempting to correlate the intergranular stress development in...