Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Understanding Society: Interviewer Survey 2014 data file is the output of a research project that collected information from interviewers who worked on the Understanding Society data collection for Great Britain in the first round of interviews, which took place over the course of the years 2009 and 2010. One of the specific aims of the data collection was to better understand the nature of bias in respondent consent to data linkage and, in particular, the role of interviewers in obtaining consent and in affecting consent bias. Hence, the interviewer survey includes a number of questions eliciting interviewer attitudes to consent to data linkage and their experiences with asking for consent during the fieldwork. There are, however, also a great deal of questions that will be of interest to a greater audience of researchers, such as interviewer attitudes to persuasion, measures of their personality traits and markers of general trust.
Main Topics:
The dataset included the following topics: interviewers' opinions on their jobattitudes to persuasion, surveys in generalpersonality traits and trustdata privacy and administration of Understanding Societyexperience asking for consent to link to administrative datausefulness of linked data and their own likelihood of consent to linked data in different domains
No sampling (total universe)