Single women with social security benefit: orientation and perspectives concerning participation of employment. social security / application duty / fulltime / part-time work/ preference for number of hours of work / part-timers: reason for working no more hours then actual number of hours / unemployed: reason of wanting no paid employment / perceived chance of getting a job/ reason to work ( more hours )/ looking for ( more ) work and in which way / registered temporary employment and Employment Exchange / number of contacts between Employment Exchange and respondent in the last three months / number of applications in the last three months / availability for labour market/ reason for being unavailable / preference for number of hours work / preference for income / respondent requirements with respect to work / acceptable travelling time / prepared: to search for day nursery/ to move/ to accept irregular duty/ to get retraining/ to accept a job under level of education / satisfaction with actual job / number of years of paid employment / importance of having a job / experience - within period of social security - with unpaid or unofficial employment / profession oriented courses / contact with social service in relation with work and retraining / attitude toward working single women with children/ getting social security/ day nursery Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education