Immigrants’ modes of incorporation in Spain. A multivariate quantitative approach


Analysing immigrants’ incorporation patterns into host countries is essential for understanding social inequalities in contemporary societies. This study examines the living conditions of immigrants in Spain, moving beyond univariate approaches to social stratification by assessing the interaction between categories of privilege and disadvantage. As the second-largest recipient of immigrants in Europe, Spain offers valuable insights into the relationship between migration and social inequality. Using Geometric Data Analysis and clustering methods, we provide a structural and multidimensional perspective on social cleavages, revealing segmented assimilation patterns related to housing, employment, and education, influenced by age, origin, and social class. Our findings also show that second-generation immigrants experience only partial assimilation. This comprehensive analysis offers a deeper understanding of how various social categories shape immigrants’ integration, shedding light on the complex interplay of factors that influence their experiences in Spain and potentially other European countries with similar immigration trends in recent decades.

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Ruiz-Ramos, Carlos ORCID logo; Castro Torres, Andres Felipe ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Contributor CED, Admin
Publication Year 2025
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact CED, Admin (CED)
Resource Type Aggregate data; Dataset
Format type/x-r-syntax; text/csv; application/gzip; application/x-rlang-transport; text/plain; application/pdf; application/octet-stream
Size 1917; 110749356; 11900203; 92163796; 9293976; 10190; 8133; 66225134; 14454183; 2270863054; 102968093; 16135944; 2327; 4245; 7925; 1940; 1746; 3136; 3660427; 1500; 5465; 27; 19146
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences