Supplemental Materials for: Visual Analysis of Fitness Landscapes in Architectural Design Optimization


These are the supplemental materials for the submission titled "Visual Analysis of Fitness Landscapes in Architectural Design Optimization," accepted for publication in the Visual Computer Journal. The structure of the folder is as follows:

. ├── additional_materials │ └── This directory contains a more detailed description of the user study, case study, and parameter study. It also includes the implementation details, the raw data, and extended results from the user study. We compiled this information in a single PDF and provide LaTeX source files. │
├── software │ └── This directory contains all the necessary materials and resources to run the visualization plugin and set up the environment for the user study using LimeSurvey. Please check the README file within the directory for more information. │
├── dataset │ └── This directory contains the 9d_params dataset and the mysql script file which are needed to run the visualization plugin. │ └── video └── A 2-minute teaser video.

For the paper, we have adapted the research software Opossum provided in the folder software/. Further information can be found on the website of Opossum. Since the source code is not yet published, we provide only the compiled version here.

Metadata Access
Creator Abdelaal, Moataz ORCID logo; Galuschka, Marcel; Zorn, Max ORCID logo; Kannenberg, Fabian ORCID logo; Menges, Achim ORCID logo; Wortmann, Thomas ORCID logo; Weiskopf, Daniel ORCID logo; Kurzhals, Kuno ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Abdelaal, Moataz; Weiskopf, Daniel
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG EXC 2120/1 - 390831618
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Abdelaal, Moataz (Universität Stuttgart); Weiskopf, Daniel (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-7z-compressed
Size 135966642
Version 1.0
Discipline Design; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; History; Humanities