Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To answer this question, we utilised the disparate functions of the Hsp70's Ssa1 and 2 and their paralog Ssa4 in a yeast strain that lacks Ssa1/2 but has an ectopically increased production of Ssa4. We have gathered data on the behaviour of several different markers for protein aggregation under different circumstances, as well as data on proteins from other classes of molecular chaperones. The bulk of the data is in the form of multichannel microscopy images from widefield microscopy, with a few sets of western blots of protein extracts. Fluorescence microscopy of live yeast cells at mid-exponential growth and after 30 minutes of heat shock. The cells were grown in complete synthetic media lacking histidine (CSM-HIS) with 2 % galactose as carbon source. All strains carry a plasmid expressing GFP-HSP104 under the control of the GAL-promoter. The dataset was collected through fluorescence microscopy. The image files are provided in Carl Zeiss Image format (.czi).
Vi har systematiskt studerat vilka funktioner hos de cytosoliska molekylära chaperonerna av klassen Hsp70 hos jäst som krävs för att upprätthålla en normal livslängd. Fluorescensmikroskopi av levande jäst i mitten av den exponentiella tillväxtfasen före och efter 30 minuter värmestress. Jästen är odlad i syntetiskt medium utan histidin med 2 % galaktos som kolkälla. Alla avbildade stammar bär på en plasmid som uttrycker GFP-HSP104 under kontroll av en GAL-promotor. Datasetet har samlats in genom fluorescensmikroskopi. Bildfilerna är i Carl Zeiss Image-format (.czi).
Total universe/Complete enumeration
Hela populationen/total räkning
Biological tests
Biologiska provtagningar