Timber Column Slab Solver


This dataset contains an agent-based exploration of the design space for modular slab and column systems. The primary objective is to equip designers with the ability to pinpoint structural configurations that adhere to Serviceability Limit State (SLS) deflection criteria from the beginning of the design process. The methods represent an innovative design methodology aimed at discovering configurations that minimize environmental impact through strategic column-slab positioning and dimensioning, all while satisfying SLS deflection standards. To facilitate this approach, a guidance-based real-time Finite Element Analysis (FEA) feedback design tool has been developed, allowing for the empirical validation of the proposed method. The database contains the source code for the ICL plugin, built on top of the ABxM Framework. By opening the ICL.sln solution in the Visual Studio IDE, both the ICL.Core and ICL.GH projects can be compiled to generate a grasshopper plugin. The ICL plugin can then be used in conjunction with the ABxM canonical example files to create agents, give them behaviours, combine them into an agent system, assign it an environment, and finally run the simulation using the ICL Solver. Example files are provided in the “data” folder.

Rhino 3d, 7

Microsoft Visual Studio, 2022

Karamba, 2.2.0

ABxM, 1.0

DOI https://doi.org/10.18419/DARUS-4172
Related Identifier IsCitedBy https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/iass/piass/2023/00002023/00000008/art00010
Metadata Access https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.18419/DARUS-4172
Creator Udaykumar, Keerthana ORCID logo; Orozco, Luis ORCID logo; Krtschil, Anna ORCID logo; Menges, Achim ORCID logo; Knippers, Jan ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Menges, Achim; Knippers, Jan; Udaykumar, Keerthana; Orozco, Luis; Krtschil, Anna
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG EXC 2120/1 - 390831618
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Menges, Achim (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Source Code; Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; image/jpeg; text/plain; text/html; image/png; application/json; text/markdown; text/x-python
Size 12836; 19043; 68725; 1228; 1387; 2214; 3280; 18665; 2592; 4019; 84788; 5165; 4307; 5065; 2518; 6223; 74; 5252; 3594; 6248; 1754; 846; 223611; 547336; 5274; 3112; 1570; 140; 6993; 230; 1084; 6921; 2531; 4932; 4518; 375
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Design; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; History; Humanities