We developed a workflow to generate Large Scale Hazard Simulations for avalanches based on digital elevation models and information on the protective function of the forest. This datasets contains the potential avalanche release areas (PRA) as polygons, the simulation outputs (maximum pressure, maximum flow velocity and maximum flow height) as .tif rasters and the outlines of the simulated avalanches (polygon) for the entire area of the canton of Grisons (7105 km2). The simulations are performed for the scenarios wit return periods of 10, 30, 100 and 300 years, once with (FOR) and once without (NoFor) taking the effect of the forest into account.
The details can be found in this publication:
Bühler, Y., Bebi, P., Christen, M., Margreth, S., Stoffel, L., Stoffel, A., Marty, C., Schmucki, G., Caviezel, A., Kühne, R., Wohlwend, S., and Bartelt, P.: Automated avalanche hazard indication mapping on state wide scale, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2022, 1-22, 10.5194/nhess-2022-11, 2022.