Opinion of the inhabitants of Delft about various aspects of living in Delft P1286A: Detailed information concerning r.'s residence / satisfaction with housing situation and district where r. is living / the new municipal housing distribution / neighbouring help / vandalism, noise pollution and other sources of nuisance in neighbourhood / speed checks / use of emergency number / maintenance of streets and green space, cleaning of the centre, cleaning of garbage cans, collecting refuse / street furniture, pavement and parking in specific quarters / environmental issues/ separate collection of refuse, use of energy / contacts with various kinds of service centres, satisfied with contacts / contacts with Municipal Services, satisfied with contacts / buying things on account / composition of income of household. P1286B: Use of bicycle, car, bus / attractive aspects of Delft / housing conditions / reading Municipal Messages in free local paper / use of local news media / sources of information about decissions of the local government / fear for crime and inconveniences by crime in neighbourhood, at bus stops, sports park / most important tasks of police / social contacts / leisure time activities, visits cultural centres, parks, doing sports / r.'s contribution to a cleaner environment / Social Improvement ( 'Sociale Vernieuwing' ) / r. is having debts. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership