Slachtofferenquete WODC, 1978


Determining number of Dutch citizens who fell victim to crime/ opinion of population on crime, police performance/ kind of contacts with police/ most important problems in neighbourhood. Recent conversations on crime / expected changes for crimes / afraid of what / theft from car / theft of car / theft of purse and amount of money lost / burglary / crime prevention / sexual violence indoors and outdoors/ acquainted with offender/ use of weapon / physical violence kind and severity of injuries / when walking ever hit by moped, car through no fault of r/ kind and severity of injuries/ damage done in money/ other party drove away after accident without identifying himself / wilfully committed damage to properties/ damage done in money / r notified police of crimes, signed official records/ satisfied or critical of the way police handled case / insured for damage as consequence of crime/ compensation how much / problems bothering r mostly / where to shop / means of transport / frequency of going out by what means of transport / knowledge of information campaign on crime prevention/ measures taken as result of this knowledge / housing situation and security. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ religion/ consumption of durables

Metadata Access
Creator Dijk, J.J.M. van, Steinmetz, C.H.D., Ministerie van justitie, Wetenschappelijk onderzoek- en documentatiecentrum, WODC * Den Haag (primary investigator)
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin
Publication Year 2008
Rights CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/xml; application/zip; text/x-c; application/octet-stream; application/x-spss-por
Size 1779; 15886; 156188; 403586; 26532; 14434200
Version 3.0
Discipline Criminology; Jurisprudence; Law; Social and Behavioural Sciences