Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The purpose of this survey was to investigate non-Maltese peoples' contacts with and knowledge of Maltese living in London, to provide some estimates of the general distribution of the attitudes towards Maltese and the Maltese community. The main items on which information was sought were the extent of respondents' contact with Maltese people, their knowledge and acceptance of the Maltese `bad name', their judgment on whether or not it should be regarded as a collectively responsible group.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Visits to Malta (reasons), knowledge of Maltese people in London, estimated Maltese population in Greater London, whether Maltese community considered 'close-knit', whether Maltese are easily recognisable, whether respondent would classify the Maltese as white, coloured or somewhere in-between. Respondents asked to guess at the reactions of a law-abiding, Maltese person to: unwarranted suspicion from the police, hearing a friend is under suspicion. Opinion of the Maltese bad reputation, opinion about reasons for Maltese crime (whose fault), suggested preventive action. Degree of responsibility the Maltese community should exercise over its members, suggested methods of control for use within the Maltese community. Whether Maltese immigrants are treated fairly, whether Britain helps Malta enough, whether immigration into UK should be encouraged, opinion on Maltese assimilation into British society. Background Variables Age, place of birth, marital status, number of children, length of residence in London. Present and previous occupation, length of service, age finished full-time education, any military service (specify), religion, political support.
No information recorded
Postal survey