INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - Portugal - T0-T1-T2


The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing. Most studies adopted a pathogenic approach to the subject; few used a salutogenic approach. These showed, however, that nurses can retain their health despite a pandemic by mobilising generalised resistance resources. Our study aims to understand how nurses working in hospitals protected their health and workplace well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic by investigating the moderating effects of the health resources they mobilised against the stressors inherent to the situation. Data was gathered longitudinally in the following countries: Switzerland (French-speaking and German-speaking parts), France, Portugal and Canada. In addition, a cross-sectionnal sample of nurses from Belgium was also investigated. The questionnaires included the PSS, WHOQOL, NSS, BRIEF-COPE, PTGI, CD-RISC, MSPSS, COPSOQ, SISI and demographic information. See Ortololeva et al. 2021 (in the bibliographical reference section) for the published protocol of this project

Metadata Access
Creator Ortoleva Bucher, Claudia; Delmas, Philippe; Oulevey Bachmann, Annie
Publisher FORS
Publication Year 2024
Rights Zusätzliche Einschränkungen: Keine; Additional Restrictions: None; Restrictions supplémentaires: Aucune; Sondergenehmigung: Nach vorheriger Zustimmung des Autors; Special permission: With prior agreement of author; Permission spéciale: Accord préalable de l'auteur·trice
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Amerikas; Americas; Amériques; Kanada; Canada; Canada; Nordamerika; Northern America; Amérique septentrionale; Westeuropa; Western Europe; Europe occidentale; Schweiz; Switzerland; Suisse; Europa; Europe; Europe; Belgien; Belgium; Belgique; Deutschschweiz; German-speaking part; Suisse germanophone; Westschweiz; French-speaking part; Suisse francophone; Portugal; Portugal; Portugal; Südeuropa; Southern Europe; Europe méridionale; Frankreich; France; France