Number of persons in the house / space / quality / facilities / problems with domestic work / presence of garden / terrace / park in neighbourhood / possibilities for shopping / kind of transport / troubles with noise / house and neighbourhood / occupation and function / kind of transport to work / satisfaction with different aspects of work / children / income / recreational activities, holidays / education / membership of action groups / attitude towards leisure time / kind of contact with family / friends / acquaintances / health / illness / contacts with welfare institutions. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ organizational membership. Other available Life Situation Surveys: Quality of Life Survey 1997-continuous - POLS'97-continuous - P1665 Life Situation Survey 1986 P1454 Life Situation Survey 1983 P0761 Life Situation Survey 1980 P0655 (CBS) Life Situation Survey 1980 P0657 (SCP) Life Situation Survey 1977 P0328