Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The UK censuses took place on 21st April 1991. They were run by the Census Office for Northern Ireland, General Register Office for Scotland, and the Office of Population and Surveys for both England and Wales. The UK comprises the countries of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Statistics from the UK censuses help paint a picture of the nation and how we live. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services.
The aggregate data produced as outputs from censuses in Great Britain provide information on a wide range of demographic and socio-economic characteristics. They are predominantly a collection of aggregated or summary counts of the numbers of people or households resident in specific geographical areas possessing particular characteristics.The topics covered by the 1991 Census were virtually the same as those in the 1981 Census. However, new questions were introduced on limiting long-term illness, ethnic group, central heating and term-time address of students. Also a question on weekly hours worked was re-introduced.The 100% Sample files include information about total population; population in private households and communal establishments; sex; age; marital status; country of birth; ethnicity; migration; employment status; economic activity; household composition; dependent children; dependant adults; long-term illness; household car availability; housing; housing tenure; housing amenities; central heating; linguistic ability (Welsh/Gaelic in Wales and Scotland respectively).The 10% Sample files contain information about socio-economic composition; employment status; occupations; industry of occupation; hours of work; commuting; qualifications, family type; household composition; age; sex; marital status; ethnicity; housing tenure; social class.Local Base Statistics (LBS)The 1991 Census Local Base Statistics (LBS) have around 20,000 statistical counts (cells) contained in 99 tables and cover the complete range of topics in the 1991 Census. They form the basis of the tables to be reproduced for each county (in England and Wales) and region (in Scotland) and for each local authority district. The LBS are available down to ward level in England and Wales and postcode sector level in Scotland.Small Area Statistics (SAS)The 1991 Census Small Area Statistics (SAS) tables are an abbreviated version of the Local Base Statistics. They comprise around 10,000 counts for each area and are available as an abstract of some 86 tables for geographic areas down to Enumeration District level in England and Wales and Output Area level in Scotland.Data can be accessed through CKAN (to bulk download data).Citation: Office of Population Censuses and Surveys; General Register Office for Scotland; Registrar General for Northern Ireland (1997): 1991 Census aggregate data (Edition: 1997). UK Data Service. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5257/census/aggregate-1991-1
Main Topics:Population basesAge and marital statusCommunal establishmentsMedical and care establishmentsHotels and other establishmentsEthnic groupCountry of birthEconomic positionEconomic position and ethnic groupTerm-time addressPersons presentLong-term illness in householdsLong-term illness in communal establishmentsLong-term illness and economic positionMigrantsWholly moving householdsEthnic group of migrantsImputed residentsImputed householdsTenure and amenitiesCar availabilityRooms and household sizePersons per roomResidents 18 and overVisitor householdsStudents in householdsHouseholds: 1971/'81/'91 basesDependants in householdsDependants and long-term illnessCarersDependent children in householdsHouseholds with children aged 0 - 15Women in couples: economic positionEconomic position of household residentsAge & marital status of household residentsEarners and dependent childrenYoung adultsSingle years of ageHeadshipLone 'parents'Shared accommodationHousehold composition and housingHousehold composition and ethnic groupHousehold composition and long-term illnessMigrant household headsHouseholds with dependent children; housingHouseholds with pensioners; housingHouseholds with dependants; housingEthnic group; housingCountry of birth; hold heads and residentsCountry of birth and ethnic groupLanguage indicatorsLifestagesOccupancy (Occupied; vacant; other accommodation)Household spaces and occupancyHousehold space type and occupancyHousehold space type; rooms and household sizeHousehold space type; tenure and amenitiesHousehold space type; hold compositionDwellings and household spacesDwelling type and occupancyOccupancy and tenure of dwellingsDwelling type and tenureTenure of dwellings and household spacesOccupancy of dwellings and household spacesShared dwellingsWelsh Language (Wales only)/Gaelic Language (Scotland only)Floor level of accommodationOccupancy norm : householdsOccupancy norm : residentsComparison of 100% and 10% countsEconomic and employment status (10% Sample)Industry (10% Sample)Occupation (10% Sample)Hours worked (10% Sample)Occupation and Industry (10% Sample)Industry and hours worked (10% Sample)Occupation and hours worked (10% Sample)Industry and employment status (10% Sample)Working parents; hours worked (10% Sample)Occupation and employment status (10% Sample)Travel to work and SEG (10% Sample)Travel to work and car availability (10% Sample)Qualified manpower (10% Sample)Ethnic group of qualified manpower (10% Sample)SEG of households and families (10% Sample)Family type and tenure (10% Sample)Concealed families (10% Sample)Family composition (10% Sample)Social class of households (10% Sample)Social class and economic position (10% Sample)SEG and economic position (10% Sample)SEG; social class and ethnic group (10% Sample)Former industry of unemployed (10% Sample)Former occupation of unemployed (10% Sample)Armed forces (10% Sample)Armed forces; households (10% Sample)Occupation orders; 1980 classification (10% Sample)Occupations; Standard Occupational Classification (10% Sample)
No sampling (total universe)
Self-administered questionnaire