This data set is part of the baseline study for girls education project titled as Teach and Educate Adolescent Girls with Community Help (TEACH). The project is being implemented by International Rescue Committee (IRC) through Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) support under the Girls Education Challenge (GEC) in Balochistan province of Pakistan. The project is being implemented in five districts of Balochistan province i.e. Pishin, Killa Abdullah, Nushki, Kharan and Chaghi. Overall, the project aims to target 35,000 highly marginalized and out-of-school girls between the ages of 10 -19 years. The project is establishing inclusive safe-learning spaces for the most marginalized out-of-school adolescent girls in the aforementioned districts. Dependent on age, the girls will enrol in one of the two pathways; focused on an accelerated learning program (ALP)/Learn and transition to formal education or non-formal education for younger girls (10-14 years), or a more employment-oriented/skills-based approach for the older girls (15-19 years)/Earn who would then transition into vocational training, employment/self-employment. The intervention will coordinate with formal schools to facilitate enrolment after girls finish ALP/Learn and transition into formal education.
Written consents were obtained, the consent form included aspects such as voluntary participation of the respondent in the study, and use of anonymised datasets and findings for further research utilization. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used and educational measurements and tests.