The combination of Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing (GGL) and Redshift Space Distortion of galaxy clustering (RSD) is a privileged technique to test General Relativity predictions, and break degeneracies between the growth rate of structure parameter f and the amplitude of the linear power-spectrum {sigma}8. We perform a joint GGL and RSD analysis on 250 sq. degrees using shape catalogues from CFHTLenS and CFHT-Stripe 82, and spectroscopic redshifts from the BOSS CMASS sample. We adjust a model that includes non-linear biasing, RSD and Alcock-Paczynski effects. We find f(z=0.57)=0.95+/-0.23, {sigma}8(z=0.57)=0.55+/-0.07 and {OMEGA}m=0.31+/-0.08, in agreement with Planck cosmological results 2018. We also estimate the probe of gravity E_G_=0.43+/-0.10 in agreement with {LAMBDA}CDM-GR predictions of E_G_=0.40. This analysis reveals that RSD efficiently decreases the GGL uncertainty on {OMEGA}m by a factor of 4, and by 30% on {sigma}8. We use an N-body simulation supplemented by an abundance matching prescription for CMASS to build a set of overlapping lensing and clustering mocks. Together with additional spectroscopic data, this helps us to quantify and correct several systematic errors, such as photometric redshifts. We make our mock catalogues available on the Skies and Universe database.