Measurement data for: Development of a Cable Actuator Test Rig for Identification of Dynamic Running Properties of Synthetic Fiber Ropes


Measurement data and analysis scripts to investigate slip and friction effects of running synthetic fiber ropes.

All measurements data is provided in the folder "Data" in form of csv files. Additionally, the motion profile is stored as nc file. The data is structured according to the directory names; "WF" stands for applied cable forces and "F" for the feed rate. Each single csv file consists of a single measurement with a constant target cable force and velocity.

Analysis scripts in Matlab can be found in the folder "Processing". To reproduce the analysis, start with "main.m".

Settings of the linear measuring sensors ASCOspeed and LSV-2100 can be found in the "Settings" folder.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Reichenbach, Thomas ORCID logo; Trautwein, Felix ORCID logo; Pott, Andreas ORCID logo; Verl, Alexander ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Reichenbach, Thomas
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG 470674716
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Reichenbach, Thomas (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type experimental data; Dataset
Format text/markdown; text/xml; text/csv; text/x-matlab; application/octet-stream; application/x-netcdf
Size 1831; 1817; 50032; 9212; 1845; 9635741; 6582599; 9574898; 6931896; 22963555; 23458033; 6512019; 6895915; 9175989; 6945903; 9243406; 9279685; 23314520; 23490013; 23185235; 23188949; 6511015; 9551462; 9192672; 6462734; 6886587; 23019738; 9683416; 23509230; 9589233; 23304611; 9555149; 6498034; 23252266; 6967102; 9277740; 23458691; 6578449; 6951877; 9194076; 6916964; 9559828; 6474224; 6614414; 9275794; 23206372; 6860947; 23285496; 9501310; 9146497; 23285859; 6938732; 22965421; 9649940; 6519805; 23576685; 23282535; 6551946; 6607384; 22965677; 9173833; 6489634; 9587438; 23457111; 9597866; 9528780; 9177992; 23488209; 23246422; 6972513; 6945228; 6986406; 9276510; 23151127; 9278870; 6836956; 6926202; 6615706; 22982871; 23182616; 23214146; 6482805; 9559284; 23291998; 9195324; 23567896; 9264340; 23534333; 9561463; 6792476; 9499429; 6619097; 6472998; 23544629; 6573072; 6992884; 23287048; 22949783; 6607320; 6930553; 23602096; 9700301; 9194701; 9581805; 9164238; 23260042; 9531734; 9194459; 23289941; 6966993; 6836229; 6885768; 23471348; 22976877; 23292816; 6519137; 9163118; 6605174; 9642406; 6583697; 23472522; 9468656; 9190626; 9195527; 23292448; 23286734; 6948591; 9185899; 9273125; 6904609; 6500399; 6553541; 23465339; 6880322; 23026294; 9692141; 9204452; 23275085; 23181038; 9649040; 23240644; 9701156; 23589083; 6492155; 6853211; 6929445; 23051579; 6481898; 23204059; 9287648; 6514445; 6459561; 9575594; 9290420; 23316831; 9151148; 23508644; 9610876; 6842892; 6800289; 9628583; 23561668; 23225610; 9157717; 6503471; 9286915; 6887389; 23522080; 9183402; 6871770; 9710077; 9686204; 23350805; 23154359; 9533084; 22922077; 6461212; 6599658; 23289085; 23313903; 6844416; 9283909; 9247140; 9290544; 23180278; 6923761; 9484624; 6597621; 6463610; 9626842; 23561590; 6514353; 23211980; 9546450; 23045876; 23252857; 9264766; 6494497; 9640890; 6562167; 22928119; 23395210; 9165454; 23603500; 7000839; 6974668; 9600139; 9606348; 23552548; 23136388; 6511346; 6854547; 9199302; 6478783; 23561332; 6507731; 9577444; 23081269; 9284635; 23147277; 9526551; 6919782; 6912736; 23434940; 23311105; 9302199; 9233110; 23165701; 9648973; 6532277; 6795440; 9600020; 23130219; 6991967; 23152306; 9264439; 6602965; 9287230; 6954977; 9657009; 23055744; 23377260; 23590802; 6954027; 9173493; 6577429; 6560804; 9610863; 23533774; 9160057; 6550014; 6844464; 9541821; 6915669; 23150974; 9265465; 23545403; 23290690; 9587008; 9167721; 6808177; 6510996; 23093353; 6613298; 23193805; 9547627; 23542654; 9184987; 9694473; 9257882; 9293608; 9641062; 6867355; 6484184; 23388324; 23554967; 9606790; 6864686; 23110588; 6476180; 6494308; 6976577; 6475249; 23168887; 6600445; 9543208; 6590405; 9185586; 22966190; 23206389; 9472123; 9628407; 23543692; 6902187; 23300530; 6827943; 23568754; 9237535; 6828705; 9202007; 23227977; 9171317; 23522945; 23449465; 23281361; 9603134; 9196270; 6910388; 9602681; 9192792; 6476229; 6505340; 23236755; 9576896; 6969834; 6851272; 6579201; 22925396; 9484245; 9216947; 6905681; 6449575; 6905671; 6616927; 23579625; 22997561; 6520310; 23289037; 23451884; 9179842; 23250499; 9640510; 6845372; 23208726; 9167196; 9558471; 23128493; 23393194; 23493045; 9632484; 9607761; 23121039; 6880508; 6840964; 6552660; 9183220; 22925413; 9592236; 6514211; 6950356; 6489343; 23610256; 9271075; 1250; 21870; 379; 381; 193966104; 193038928; 143461640; 142534464; 378; 380; 279357730; 279357751; 377; 143469008; 376; 476; 517
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences