Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To obtain information about the local authority facilities people use and facilities they would like to have available.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Respondents are asked how they spent their leisure (non-working) time in the last week. Data include type of activity, time and place of activity, with whom this activity was carried out (12 categories), amount spent on each activity in a weekly period, and total amount spent by children on leisure activities (i.e. including sweets, etc). Mode of transport used to get to activity is recorded. Respondent is asked what he would like to take part in, but does not. Reasons for non-participation are recorded. Place and main activity of holidays away from home are given. Survey deals with the use of local authority facilities: type (i.e. sports, library, welfare, educational etc - 12 categories), frequency of use (i.e. in terms of months). A section on vehicle ownership and use is included: a) vehicle users: type of vehicle owned or available for use, length of ownership of such a vehicle, use to which vehicle is put (i.e. journey to work, shopping, recreation etc), number of miles per week covered in vehicle. Type of overnight parking used (8 categories) and amount paid out per week for such garaging/parking; b) non vehicle owner/user: reasons for not having vehicle (6 categories), whether respondent intends to obtain vehicle, if so, when and for what uses (categories given for vehicle users are repeated). Background Variables Age, place of birth, occupation (also whether full or part-time), or school attended, working hours (i.e. shift, day, night etc), number of hours per week regular overtime worked, mode of transport used to travel to place of work/education, general characteristics of household (i.e. number and ages of children, other members of household), general characteristics of dwelling with record of rooms not in use, type of tenure, length of residency, number of dwellings lived in during last five years (addresses of last two given), access for use of garden and/or allotment, shopping habits (for food and for durable goods), average take-home pay and other income (i.e. family allowance, pension etc) is shown.
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
random sample of addresses to give approximately 100 households from each 10 enumeration districts (1961) - chosen to be representative of different facets of the borough. Resulting number of households varied in an enumeration district from 71 - 139
Face-to-face interview