Data publication: Pair Production in Circularly Polarized Waves
Data sets used to generate the figures and tables in the associated paper. In addition, Matlab files have been attached to ensure that the data can be read correctly. -
Primary experimental data: Dynamical interplay between superconductivity and ...
This publication contains raw data and metadata (labbook entries) related to the The data for our NbSe2 paper were primarily collected during the beamtime starting on... -
Data publication: Geochemistry and fluid inclusion analyses of the Sadisdorf ...
This data repository contains the sample locations and descriptions as well as the result for whole-rock, microthermometric and Raman analyses for the publication: “ The... -
Test data for MALA
This repository contains data to test, develop and debug MALA and MALA based runscripts. If you plan to do machine-learning tests ("Does this network implementation work? Is... -
Test data for MALA
This repository contains data to test, develop and debug MALA and MALA based runscripts. If you plan to do machine-learning tests ("Does this network implementation work?... -
Data publication: Gas flow rate measurement in two-phase flows using an optic...
This publication presents the measurement data, including temporal signal changes at measuring points, and validation data, including gas and liquid flow rate measurements,... -
High-content multi-spectral fluorescence microscopy sample preparation artefacts
Sample preparation artefacts represent a significant source of errors in high-content screening datasets leading to misinterpretation of results in drug discovery. To address... -
A Dataset for Virus Infection Reporter Virtual Staining in Fluorescence and B...
How to cite us Wyrzykowska, Maria, Gabriel della Maggiora, Nikita Deshpande, Ashkan Mokarian, and Artur Yakimovich. "A Benchmark for Virus Infection Reporter Virtual... -
UQTestFuns: A Python3 Library of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Test Functions
UQTestFuns is an open-source Python3 library of test functions commonly used within the applied uncertainty quantification (UQ) community. Specifically, the package provides:... -
Clinical urine microscopy for urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a common disorder. Its diagnosis can be made by microscopic examination of voided urine for cellular markers of infection. We present a... -
Data publication: A multiscale investigation of uranium(VI) interaction with ...
The stored data sets represent the microscopic and spectroscopic data generated at the HZDR that were used for the publication about the interaction of uranium(VI) with a... -
Data publication: Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral...
This repository contains the raw data of all figures shown in the publication "Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of warm... -
Data publication: Roadmap on Advanced/operando characterisation of solid stat...
Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) is a precise probe of point defects in bulk and nanomaterials, e.g., thin films. Positrons localize predominantly in the neutral and... -
Software publication: 3D detection and tracking of deformable bubbles in swar...
This package contains the software and the trained models described in the publication "3D detection and tracking of deformable bubbles in swarms with the aid of deep... -
Clinical urine microscopy for urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a common disorder. Its diagnosis can be made by microscopic examination of voided urine for cellular markers of infection. We present a... -
Clinical urine microscopy for urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a common disorder. Its diagnosis can be made by microscopic examination of voided urine for cellular markers of infection. We present a... -
UQTestFuns: A Python3 Library of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Test Functions
UQTestFuns is an open-source Python3 library of test functions commonly used within the applied uncertainty quantification (UQ) community. Specifically, the package provides:... -
(Data set) Fermi-liquid behavior of non-altermagnetic RuO2
1) Data set of the figures in main text and supplementary - Originlab format (Origin Viewer can be used to open these files). 2) FPLO calculations for the... -
Polymers Hyperspectral Imaging
Investigating State of the Art Hyperspectral Imaging Classification Models for Plastic Types Identification Polymers Dataset Description: The polymers dataset is a multiscene... -
UQTestFuns: A Python3 Library of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Test Functions
UQTestFuns is an open-source Python3 library of test functions commonly used within the applied uncertainty quantification (UQ) community. Specifically, the package provides:...