The CLEF-IP 2010 Test Collection


CLEF-IP: Cross-Language Evaluation Forum - Intellectual Property The CLEF-IP track was launched in 2009 to investigate IR techniques for patent retrieval and it is part of the CLEF 2010 evaluation campaign.The track utilizes a collection of more than 1.3M patent documents (~2.6 million files) derived from EPO (European Patent Office) sources, and published before 2001. The collection contains documents in English, French and German with at least 150,000 documents in each language. The task is to find patent documents that constitute prior art. There are two tasks in the 2010's track. The first one is to find patent documents that are candidates to constitute prior art for a given document. The second task is to classify a given document according to the International Patent Classification system (IPC). Relevance judgements are produced using the patent citations and meta-data (bibliographic data). Files

Document CollectionThe collection contains over 2.6 million XML files. Topics and AnswersBoth the training and the test topic sets contain also the relevance assessments for the topics. GuidelinesDetailed explanation on how to work with the tasks from the corpus.

Related Identifier IsDescribedBy
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Metadata Access
Creator Piroi, Florina ORCID logo; Tait, John
Publisher TU Wien
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Contact tudata(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0.0
Discipline Other