Pentacene to Octacene: The Limit of Fourfold TIPS-Ethynylation [data]


Soluble acenes beyond hexacene are rare. Their sensitivity complicates isolation, purification and application in devices. To increase the stability of acenes, functionalization with trialkylsilylethynyl substituents prevents [4+4] dimerization and oxidation. At the same time such acenes are soluble and processible. Here we present the modular synthesis of fourfold TIPS-ethynylated pentacenes to octacenes and investigate their optical and redox properties, frontier orbital positions (CV, DFT calculations) as well as their stability in solution (UV/vis, NMR spectroscopy). We also investigated their magnetic properties as a function of acene length. Pentacene, hexacene and heptacene are sufficiently stable to serve as semiconductors in thin-film transistors - the octacene rapidly decays to its butterfly dimer evidence by time-dependent NMR spectroscopy and crystal structure analysis.

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Metadata Access
Creator Zeitter, Nico; Hippchen, Nikolai; Baur, Philipp ORCID logo; Unterreiner, Tamara; Freudenberg, Jan ORCID logo; Rominger, Frank; Bunz, Uwe ORCID logo
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Zeitter, Nico; Hippchen, Nikolai; Philipp, Baur; Unterreiner, Tamara; Rominger, Frank; Freudenberg, Jan; Bunz, Uwe
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG SFB 1249
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Zeitter, Nico (Heidelberg University, OCI); Hippchen, Nikolai (Heidelberg University, OCI); Philipp, Baur (Heidelberg University, ACI); Unterreiner, Tamara; Rominger, Frank (Heidelberg University, OCI); Freudenberg, Jan (Heidelberg University, OCI); Bunz, Uwe (Heidelberg University, OCI)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 1685350; 444102; 800662; 97315371
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences