Annual glacier surface flow velocity product from Sentinel-2 data for some mountain ranges in the Tropical Andes


Glacier ice flow velocity is an important variable to document the past and current status of the glacier worldwide. Our aim with this dataset is to provide innovative products for glaciers and their environments from remote sensing data for some mountain ranges in the Tropical Andes in southern Peru and Bolivia. The data set proposed here includes maps of annual glacier surface flow velocities for the period 2013-2022, created from Sentinel-2 optical data with the work-flow presented in Mouginot et al. (2023) and Rabatel et al. (2023). It can be used for the monitoring of glacier dynamics or for hazards detection associated to glaciers destabilization, as well as an input of model calibration and validation.

These products are distributed in both netCDF and GeoTiff formats, georeferenced under the UTM-19S projection and with a pixel resolution of 50 metres. In the netCDF the following variables can be found: - v(time, y, x): Annual ice surface velocity between 2013-2022 in metres per year - dir(y, x): Direction of the ice flow represented as the angle between the flow vector and x-axis. vx = vcos(direction) and vy = vsin(direction) - cnt(y, x): Number of measurements used for the regression - stdev(y, x): The error on surface ice speed (metres per year) is given as the standard deviation obtained from the results of the regression. - stdeva(y, x): The error on surface ice speed (metres per year) direction is given as the standard deviation obtained from the results of the regression. - flag(y, x): Error flag mask on pixels considered as unreliable. Pixels with a coefficient of variation of the glacier surface flow velocity higher than 75% and with a standard deviation of the glacier flow direction higher than 2.5° are masked. Masked pixels: 0 Non-masked pixels: NaN - trend(y, x): Trends generated from velocities in metres/year**2, with a median filter of size 5 pixels. -trend_mask(y,x): Trend significance mask, based on Kendall rank of correlation.

The same layers can be found as separated geotiff files, with the following names: ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_cnt.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_dir.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_flag.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_stdeva.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_stdev.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_trendmask.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_trend.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2013.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2014.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2015.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2016.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2017.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2018.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2019.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2020.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2021.tiff ANDES_CROYAL_wFLAG_OLS_v2013-2022_vo2022.tiff

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Metadata Access
Creator Ducasse, Etienne ORCID logo; Millan, Romain ORCID logo; Rabatel, Antoine ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Rabatel, Antoine; Millan, Romain; Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Agence nationale de la recherche
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Rabatel, Antoine (IGE ; UGA, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Grenoble-INP ; France); Millan, Romain (IGE ; UGA, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Grenoble-INP ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format image/tiff; application/x-netcdf
Size 474935376; 474935444; 237496192; 77944069; 474935486; 474935480; 237495764; 474935426; 474935406
Version 1.0
Discipline Geosciences; Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-73.000W, -18.000S, -67.000E, -12.000N)