Diese Software umfasst ein Python-Skript, das für die automatische Generierung mehrerer spezieller Druckseiten verwendet wird. Mittels Design of Experiments (DoE) generiert das Programm eine Liste aller möglichen Kombinationen der Grundfarben Cyan (C), Magenta (M) und Gelb (Y), die mit einer variabel einstellbaren Anzahl von Schichten übereinander gedruckt werden sollen. Die Farben der einzelnen Schichten werden dafür platzsparend auf mehrere Druckseiten verteilt.
This software includes a Python script that is used for the automatic generation of several special print pages. Using Design of Experiments (DoE), the program generates a list of all possible combinations of the basic colors cyan (C), magenta (M) and yellow (Y), which are to be printed on top of each other with a variably adjustable number of layers. The colors of the individual layers are distributed over several print pages to save space.
General Information
This Python script is used for the automatic generation of several special print pages. These print pages are combined to create a specific amount of samples. The description of there samples are as follows: The base colors of a commercial printer (Cyan (C), Magenta (M) and Yellow (Y)) are subsequently printed on top of each other. An example would be the sample CCMMYY where there are six layers in total and the base colors are layered from left to right. A graphical representation of there samples can be reviewed in the attached PDF document "concept_art_printing".
The print samples are designed to be analyzed in two US/vis spectroscopy setups. Samples that are analyzed by an UV/vis reflection measurement are bigger then samples analyzed in a UV/vis extinction setup. For each setup, a separate version of the script is published.
The colors of the individual layers are distributed over several print pages to save space. To create a set of samples, a print page series must be printed (one by one) on a sheet of substrate with a DIN A4 form factor. The amount of print page series are tied to the layer count of the samples. This is because a full factorial DoE aims to generate all possible color combinations of C, M and Y for the set number of layers.
Additional package dependencies
- numpy
- matplotlib
- pyDOE2