Storage potentials for carbon-rich products in Germany - Database

This database compiles information related to mining related areas in Germany, focusing on past, present, and future activities. The key objective is to assess the potential for carbon-rich product storage. Data sources include geological and mining authorities from federal states, as well as (public) resources like Web Map Server (WMS) files and official reports. Due to the project's German context, the database uses original German terms and regulations, with key details translated into English. As the database was created as an .xlsx and contained themed spreadsheets, the database has been split into two files based on their main spreadsheets which are divided into surface and subsurface storage in format .txt. Some of the data were omitted, such as owners of mining areas and similar data that could be relevant under data protection law. In addition, .shp files are not offered in the repository for now because of their size.

Metadata Access
Creator Diekmeier, Sarah; Reiter, Karsten; Henk, Andreas; Friebe, Colin
Publisher TU Darmstadt
Contributor TU Darmstadt
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain
Version 1.0
Discipline Other