This version 2.0 MUSICA IASI / RemoTeC TROPOMI fused methane data set contains total (ground – top of atmosphere, variable ), tropospheric (ground – about 6 km a.s.l., variable ), and UTLS (upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric, about 6 – 20 km a.s.l., variable ) column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of methane (CH4). The data are obtained by combining the level 2 CH4 profiles and XCH4 total columns (generated from the IASI TIR spectra and the TROPOMI NIR/SWIR spectra, respectively). The level 2 CH4 profiles were generated by the MUSICA processor (version 3.3.0) and the level 2 XCH4 total columns by the RemoTeC processor (operational processing algorithm version 2.3.1, this version includes data over ocean in glint mode). The combination is realized by means of a Kalman filter that uses the MUSICA IASI data as the background and the TROPOMI data as the new observation. Details of the combination method, the IASI and TROPOMI collocation requirements, and the data quality are described in Schneider et al. (2022, The data cover an example period for northern hemispheric winter and summer conditions (01 January – 30 January 2020 and 01 July – 30 July 2020, respectively). The only difference of this version 2.0 to the version 1.0 of the fused MUSICA IASI / RemoTeC TROPOMI data set (accessible at is the use of TROPOMI RemoTeC operational processing version 2.3.1 (instead of version 2.2.0), which offers among others additional data availability over ocean.
Metop IASI and Sentinel-5 Precursor TROPOMI
The data fusion method is described in detail in Schneider et al. (2022, The used the RemoTeC TROPOMI XCH4 data (operational processing algorithm version 2.3.1) are described in Lorente et al. (2022, The used MUSICA IASI CH4 profile data (processing version 3.3.0) are described in Schneider et al. (2022,