Knowledge-Enhanced Winograd Schema Challenge KE-WSC 1.0


Knowledge-Enhanced Winograd Schema Challenge KE-WSC is an upgraded version of the original WSC dataset. It includes the following extensions:

  • Annotation of semantically or syntactically solvable examples: Some samples from the original dataset can be solved without deeper semantic processing due to the morphologically richness of Slovene. For example, the sentence: “Riba je pojedla črva. Bila je lačna.” requires only the knowledge of gender and does not require any deep semantical processing to infer that the fish was hungry and not the worm. To have a representative set of syntactical samples, we decided to create 197 new examples by modifying the existing ones.
  • Two-Level Knowledge ontology: We developed a hierarchical scheme to categorize knowledge required to successfully solve a problem. In our analysis, we detected 9 high-level knowledge categories (social knowledge, psychological knowledge, etc.) and 37 lower-level more nuanced knowledge (physical laws/the laws of nature, social roles, causal relationships, etc.).
  • Semi-Automatic Explanation Generation: Textual explanations were generated using GPT-4, followed by verification and correction by human annotators to ensure accuracy and clarity. For instance, a textual explanation for the sentence “Pokal ne gre v rjav kovček, ker je prevelik.” is “Če je nekaj preveliko, se ne prilega v manjši prostor.”.
  • Translation to English: The finalized explanations were translated into English using a trained translator, enabling broader applicability.
  • SPO Triplet Generation: Subject-Predicate-Object triplets were extracted using GPT-4 to highlight key semantic relationships within each example.

The dataset can be used to study knowledge explanation in models and enables knowledge-enhanced machine learning. It can be used to train a classification or generative models. It comprises 601 training samples, 200 validation samples, and 200 test samples, and is released in a tabular TSV format. The README.txt file contains a description of the attributes. The test set labels are private, as the dataset is integrated into the SloBENCH evaluation framework ( If you use the dataset to train your models, please consider submitting the test set predictions to SloBENCH to get the evaluation score and see how it compares to others.

References: Levesque, H., Davis, E., & Morgenstern, L. (2012, May). The winograd schema challenge. In Thirteenth international conference on the principles of knowledge representation and reasoning.

Metadata Access
Creator Žagar, Aleš; Dobrovoljc, Kaja; Munda, Tina; Brglez, Mojca; Robnik-Šikonja, Marko
Publisher Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene; English
Resource Type corpus
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/octet-stream; application/pdf; downloadable_files_count: 5
Discipline Linguistics