Data for: Phase transition in porous materials - Effects of material parameters and deformation regime on mass conservativity


This dataset contains the original results published in "Phase transition in porous materials: effects of material parameters and deformation regime on mass conservativity" (doi: 10.1007/s00466-024-02557-2).

Abstract: Phase transition in porous materials is relevant within different engineering applications, such as freezing in saturated soil or pancake sea ice. Mathematical descriptions of such processes can be derived based on Biot’s consolidation theory or the Theory of Porous Media. Depending on parameters such as density ratio, permeability or compressibility of the solid matrix, either small or finite deformations occur. Numerical solution procedures for the general, finite deformation case, suffers from instabilities and high computational costs. Simplifications, assuming small deformations, increases stability and computational efficiency. Within this work shortcomings of simplified theories based on Biot and linearisations of the Theory of Porous Media (TPM) are systematically studied. In order to determine the interaction of the different model parameters a non-dimensional model for poro-elasticity is presented. Based on a characteristic test-case including phase-transition and consolidation, the simplified models are compared to the fully non-linear TPM, focusing on mass errors as well as the time behaviour of the solution. Taking further into account the efficiency of discretisation based on different primal variables and finite-element-spaces, a guideline for selecting an appropriate combination of model, kinematic assumption and discretisation scheme is presented.

The analysis can be found in sections 4.2-4.4 of the paper. This dataset is structured analogously:

"data_section-4.2": Mass errors for the 1D consolidation example solved analytical based on the Biot equations using different non-dimensional parameters and boundary conditions "data_section-4.3": Influence of the different models (Biot, lTPM and TPM) on primal variables (displacement, pressure and volume fraction) and the approximation of the system mass for the speciefied cases 1-1 to 1-4 resp. 2-1 to 2-4 "data_section-4.4": Computational efficiency of different mixed formulation for the considered 1D problem

It seems to make the most sense to search the data via the tree structure view.

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Brodbeck, Maximilian ORCID logo; Suditsch, Marlon ORCID logo; Seyedpour, Seyed Morteza ORCID logo; Ricken, Tim ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Brodbeck, Maximilian
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Brodbeck, Maximilian (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; image/png; text/plain
Size 67983; 884620; 68400; 899691; 67957; 893222; 885472; 67932; 882476; 879892; 67906; 875878; 938314; 67877; 843771; 929966; 67851; 922532; 913580; 67823; 920349; 915107; 67795; 877009; 897995; 67764; 888333; 900580; 67734; 888582; 881385; 67701; 863081; 884997; 67668; 849744; 942896; 67641; 858577; 925994; 67614; 910742; 923110; 67592; 919588; 907719; 67572; 879033; 888916; 67554; 880665; 890299; 67538; 860150; 947555; 67528; 951321; 941725; 67517; 938185; 926412; 67509; 923666; 910926; 67504; 909389; 892309; 67501; 894260; 890955; 67500; 891990; 926507; 914596; 906109; 904538; 887955; 978041; 933343; 940195; 892894; 950117; 951573; 961734; 913528; 67799; 900310; 912831; 67965; 832184; 885718; 1604; 2005; 400; 1000; 412; 1035; 897593; 863255; 881082; 933414; 883849; 931193; 867536; 933376; 867396; 918290; 921638; 914986; 912327; 944673; 899202; 931204; 896723; 933317; 882450; 68324; 930590; 878193; 914146; 865478; 915552; 863297; 914321; 924121; 895583; 906010; 896679; 889497; 895581; 884999; 876035; 870435; 875100; 927038; 877928; 910781; 933958; 922285; 931927; 892297; 916115; 874037; 910611; 867293; 893360; 904302; 888921; 886747; 873384; 933549; 938375; 895180; 917521; 935476; 898365; 916463; 877201; 904144; 869377; 876323; 919855; 888009; 68412; 916632; 88527; 1257500; 1257501; 263550; 385000; 385151; 392273; 151602; 393798; 242027; 240653; 393513; 253423; 53151; 755000; 755001; 158025; 160000; 160061; 163225; 90900; 163500; 260042; 328740; 163390; 340883; 79727; 87471; 85007; 80783; 1207500; 1132500; 1147500; 1242500; 1207501; 1147501; 1132501; 1242501; 310000; 305000; 310121; 305119; 317234; 317141; 317262; 312159; 138292; 149773; 145550; 136471; 317243; 317287; 317206; 312186; 138293; 136472; 145554; 149775; 317153; 317264; 149768; 138289; 136470; 145539; 260400; 309213; 351517; 324642; 237300; 274634; 297542; 281243; 253050; 332805; 341346; 357829; 240450; 313295; 326005; 328679; 52975; 752500; 752501; 157500; 90598; 163380; 302771; 367921; 163240; 368804; 85359; 1212500; 1212501; 254100; 402500; 402658; 411607; 146166; 411676; 411604; 146164; 779; 755; 754; 765; 780; 778; 791; 758; 761
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences