Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are new and exotic states of matter characterised by fractionalised excitations and macroscopically degenerate ground states. The S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet (KAFM) provides an excellent model system for exploring QSLs and synthetic examples have displayed a wide variety of unique physics such as dynamic ground states with nearest-neighbour correlations. However, the true magnetic properties of synthetic S=1/2 KAFMs are often masked by structural imperfections. This has so far been the case for the mineral vesignieite, BaCu3V2O8(OD)2. However, we have recently synthesised new, high-quality samples and our inelastic neutron scattering data suggests they adopt an unusual non-coplanar octahedral magnetic structure not previously observed experimentally. We propose to use WISH to characterise the magnetic structure in this unique material.