Zonal wind output data from ECHAM6 experiments needed for the analysis presented in the manuscript "The role of model biases in the simulated North Atlantic jet stream response to global warming" by Koskentausta et al. The data consists of monthly mean zonal wind in 24 pressure levels and daily mean zonal wind at 850 hPa level for present-day (1985–2014) and future (2090–2099) simulations with 4 and 10 ensemble members, respectively. There are five experiments: control and four difference-corrected experiments created using data from ERA5 and ICON, CESM, and MPAS present-day experiments. The basic states of ECHAM6 were modified in these experiments using a dynamical correction method, and the experiments were subjected to the same forcings representing present-day and future conditions. The resulting experiments are used for comparison of the effect of model biases alone on their future climate projections while the model configuration is otherwise the same. More details can be found from the manuscript after publication.
The files are named "pr_.u.monmean.nc" for the monthly mean data in 24 pressure levels and "pr_.u850.day.nc" for daily 850 hPa level data. The experiment identifier may be "ctrl" for the uncorrected ECHAM6, or "bcdtvp__d48t24v6p24-d48t24v6p24" for the experiments with modified biases. The "period" identifier is either "present" (years 1985-2014) or "future_b2" (years 2090-2099), and the "member" identifier is the ensemble member, 0–3 for present-day and 0–9 for future simulations.
The files may be downloaded with wget.