This vcf file is generated from genomic data of three-spined sticklebacks from Kiel (KIE) and Sylt (SYL), Germany.The individuals from Kiel are S3, S4, S19, S20, S33, S34, S47, S48, S49, S50, S63, S64, S77, S78, S89, S90.The individuals from SYL are S9, S10, S17, S18, S31, S32, S45, S46, S59, S60, S61, S62, S73, S74, S87, S88. It contains high quality biallelic positions (GQ=20) and is filtered for minor allele frequencies of maf = 0.05, allows 40 % of missing data (13 individuals) and a read depth of >=5.Further this vcf file is subset to the inducible differentially methylated sites (DMS) (148sites) in increasing PSU (_33PSU) with 5 kilobases (kb) before and after DMS. With this file further calculations were performed to estimate the genetic differentiation (i.e. Fst) between the different populations (see manuscript indicated below).